Create groups and communicate with fellow traders in the updated Chat - page 8

I am not able to sustain the MQL5 channel I don't know why is that happening, please let me know how it will Work and will alive, I might be doing mistakes or violations which lead to block my channel, just let me to know how does it work. Thanks 
This is a great feature, i am new here. Where can i find the link to create a channel please?
Panayiotis Michael Philippou #:
This is a great feature, i am new here. Where can i find the link to create a channel please?
Create your Group Chat or Channel
I need to make a group 
Junning Bahati #:
I need to make a group 

Participate in the forum, help people, increase your rating and then you will be able to create a group.

Hello all and the respects representative, I need your help I am much worried, your kind act may solve my all problems and can make my life easier, please help me, I am here new on mql5 channel, since last 6 six months I trying to alive my channel, as get the 70-80 subscribes I get blocked my channel and I know the reason, please help me to resolve this problem, I am Stuck in this , let me know how to alive the channel for the long time, as I can keep working on this. 
Let me know where I am lacking.
Thanks and regards 
@Victory #:
Hello all and the respects representative, I need your help I am much worried, your kind act may solve my all problems and can make my life easier, please help me, I am here new on mql5 channel, since last 6 six months I trying to alive my channel, as get the 70-80 subscribes I get blocked my channel and I know the reason, please help me to resolve this problem, I am Stuck in this , let me know how to alive the channel for the long time, as I can keep working on this. 
Let me know where I am lacking.
Thanks and regards 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

General rules and best practices of the Forum.

Sergey Golubev, 2023.11.06 12:52

We are the forum users, and we have no idea why some channel was deleted from the popular list (or why it was completely deleted from MQL5 channel system).
But from what I understand - some channels may be deleted from the lists because of the following:

  • non-english language channel in the english channel envorinment;
  • the channel is not popular by definition ... how many thousand subscribers do you have? 20 000 or 50 000?
  • some channel owners are forcing the people to subscribe, means: the owner of the channel is subscribing the users to his channel,
    and users do not agree and made the complaints;
  • some illegal promotion inside the channel, for example - telegram channel promotion inside mql5 channel;
  • some channels are copying the content from the other channels
  • any other reason.
I got first subcribe, but i dont know how to follow up.. they asking me bout terminal & lot that can they set.. i search custmer service mql5 buy i didnt see the button
Ari Setiawan #:
I got first subcribe, but i dont know how to follow up.. they asking me bout terminal & lot that can they set.. i search custmer service mql5 buy i didnt see the button
How to Subscribe to MT4/MT5 Signal - the instructions

Hi - Can anyone help me! I have set up a second VPS for trading and wanted to access my MQL5 market products in my MT4 terminals on this new server.

However I the MT4 platforms don't show any of my purchases on this terminal nor can I login through the terminal. So i'm assuming that yourMQL5 store account is restricted to one pc not sure?

I then tried to setup  new MQL% account with a different email address but my platform now won't let me delete the old login info - it seems to have cached the link to the old MQL5 account. What do I do?
