Mql 5 Cloud Network


Hi everyone, today I wanted to try the Cloud newtwork service to carry out a backtest, well, I uploaded $ 20 thinking to stay wide, since I had read old posts on the forum of people who had made estimates on prices (for example a $ 10 for a backtest of more or less 120k).

To test the service then I made a backtest of just 6000 Steps thinking of spending the current $ 20 less than $ 1.

Well, 15 minutes later, I had to stop the backtest because I found myself at 85% of the test with the Balance at -9 $, for a total, therefore of 30 $ of expense.

Are these prices normal or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for any answers,


Alessandro Borsari:Hi everyone, today I wanted to try the Cloud newtwork service to carry out a backtest, well, I uploaded $ 20 thinking to stay wide, since I had read old posts on the forum of people who had made estimates on prices (for example a $ 10 for a backtest of more or less 120k). To test the service then I made a backtest of just 6000 Steps thinking of spending the current $ 20 less than $ 1.

Well, 15 minutes later, I had to stop the backtest because I found myself at 85% of the test with the Balance at -9 $, for a total, therefore of 30 $ of expense. Are these prices normal or am I doing something wrong?

From my experience, $30 is on the low end. However, I have stopped using the Cloud Tester because in my opinion it is very difficult to calculate or anticipate how much it will cost in the end. It's just too difficult to know what the CPU and RAM load will be, which also affects the price.

In my opinion, the system should have a feature where it first does one or two passes on your own PC to get an approximate cost estimate for the cloud usage and then prompt you before going to cloud. Unfortunately that is not what they have done and it is the reason that I have done my best to stay away from EAs that require optimisations at that scale of things. In fact, I try to stay away from any kind of optimisations in general.

Fernando Carreiro #:

‎Dalla mia esperienza, $ 30 è nella fascia bassa. Tuttavia, ho smesso di usare il Cloud Tester perché a mio parere è molto difficile calcolare o anticipare quanto costerà alla fine. È troppo difficile sapere quale sarà il carico della CPU e della RAM, il che influisce anche sul prezzo.‎

‎A mio parere, il sistema dovrebbe avere una funzione in cui prima esegue uno o due passaggi sul proprio PC per ottenere una stima approssimativa dei costi per l'utilizzo del cloud e quindi richiedere prima di passare al cloud. Sfortunatamente non è quello che hanno fatto ed è la ragione per cui ho fatto del mio meglio per stare lontano dagli EA che richiedono ottimizzazioni su quella scala di cose. In effetti, cerco di stare lontano da qualsiasi tipo di ottimizzazione in generale.‎

I thank you for the answer.

I know so much that I'll try to stay away too, unless someone can give me some solution.