A question from the reference


There are [in] and/or [out] descriptions at the parameter definitions on every function page in the reference.

What does [in], [out] mean in the descriptions of parameters?


I'm sorry for starting a thread for such simple question ...

But, I can not find any info from Google.

Anyone knowing the meanings of them?



I'm sorry for starting a thread for such simple question ...

But, I can not find any info from Google.

Anyone knowing the meanings of them?


[in] for input. This is a value the calling code provide to the function.

[out] for output. This is a value the function returns to the calling code.


[in] for input. This is a value the calling code provide to the function.

[out] for output. This is a value the function returns to the calling code.

Then, the [in]s are the function parameters and the [out]s are the return values ... am I right?

But, in the reference, these expressions are always used with the function parameters (never used with the return values) and some parameters has both of them ... for example the parameter of the ArraySort().


It is still not so clear for me.

I would be grateful for any additional comment.