MT5 Demo account won't stay deleted


Hi there,

I am paper trading in MT5 to refine my algo strategies before I go live.

I had a demo account with AMP Futures for about six weeks, when it suddenly got deactivated for whatever reason. No big deal, I just opened a new demo account and kept rolling. I deleted the old account from the MT5 navigator box.

Since then, the old account occasionally reappears in MT5 (alongside the new one), and when MT5 attempts to re-login during the futures reset hour every day, it tries to use the old account. Of course, that fails, and MT5 just sits there with a "bad account" error while my algos don't know what to do.

I have attempted to delete the old account many times, but it eventually reappears. I have scoured through the MT5 folder in search of residual account data or something else that might cause this, but have found nothing.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!