How to get each line from file to array


Hello, i need a very simple code to get data from file. in the file have some data in lines.


2021.01.01 01:00:00
2022.01.02 01:00:00
2023.01.03 01:00:00
2024.01.04 01:00:00
2025.01.05 01:00:00

i am using this method with manual.

string list[] = {"2021.01.01 01:00", "2022.02.02 01:00", "2023.01.06 06:00", "2024.01.08 10:00"};
   int maxarray = ArraySize(list);
   int shift = 0;
      string value = (string)list[shift];
      time = (string) list[shift]; //

so now i want to get my file time list in to array veriable list[].

Ali Raza: , i need a very simple code to get data from file
  1. Everything you posted is irrevalent. Nothing to do with reading from a file.

  2. Perhaps you should read the manual. FileOpen and FileReadDatetime
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I am tried this code to get file arraysize but the value is always =0 . 

int arr[];  string Text;
         string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
         int FileHandle= FileOpen("DataFile.txt", FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
            int size=ArraySize(arr);
            for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
            Text = (string) FileReadString(FileHandle,arr[i]);
            PrintFormat("Total Arrays in File: ",Text);
            Print("File Array Size",size); // its always says 0 but in the file have data.

it is not getting file string & not the arraysize Arraysize means how many lines are present in my DataFile.txt

i just want to get all lines from my file in array[] 

such as 

string result[] = {"line_1","Line_2","Line_3","Line_4"};

the result array get Line_1,Line_2 etc from the file.

Ali Raza #: I am tried this code

You need to read the documentation. Read Array only works with binary files.