Gold Demo Account

It seems XAUUSD price data is available via Metaquotes' demo account but trading is disabled. Can you please enable this for a demo account?
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5
This is still not addressed in build 463.
Gold trading is still disabled in 468. However am now getting another bug... it seems when optimizing strategy tester only runs tests on the first few days of your selected period range and beyond that it performs no trades. I have tried this with various EAs but it appears to be a persistent problem.

It seems you had enabled this sometime back even though it was showing trading disabled in market watch. I just noticed that testing was possible. Thanks.


Seems like i have the same issue with GOLD

I have no idea how to ENABLE the trading of GOLD in a DEMO account


Seems like i have the same issue with GOLD

I have no idea how to ENABLE the trading of GOLD in a DEMO account

If you are using the standard MT5 demo account you can't ask too much of it.

The normal procedure is to find a trusted broker, open a demo account withing their website and download their custom MT5 platform to practice your trading.

Don't double post!