How do I change my trading account data to activate signal service?


I am trying to set up a signal providing service, but in trying to connect to my trading account, it says authorization failed.  How do I get back into the form and update/correct my data?  Thanks in advance.

Jacob Ernest Haagsman:

I am trying to set up a signal providing service, but in trying to connect to my trading account, it says authorization failed.  How do I get back into the form and update/correct my data?  Thanks in advance.

Double check your account number, your investor password and your broker/server.

If you are getting an authorization failed message, something of the above is (are) wrong.

Thank you,  But how do I get back to the page to change the data?  This is where I am stuck.
Jacob Ernest Haagsman #:
Thank you,  But how do I get back to the page to change the data?  This is where I am stuck.

and then click the Edit option on the upper right side of your signal.


Thank you, greatly appreciated.