OnInit : init_agent_not_suitable : how to use it ?



Previous post. The service told me to use init_agent_not_suitable but I can't find any examples on how to use it ?

genetic pass (0, 37) tested with error "no memory in OnTick function (cannot get 960 Kb, used 0 Mb)" in 140 ms (PR 137)


Previous post. The service told me to use init_agent_not_suitable but I can't find any examples on how to use it ?

For example :


For example :

Precisely. How to know how much mb required for the EA to run it ? Will 10 filter well ?
Precisely. How to know how much mb required for the EA to run it ? Will 10 filter well ?
It depends of your EA needs, it's up to you to find good settings
It depends of your EA needs, it's up to you to find good settings

So here's the answer of the support team.

Support Team 2014.12.12 15:02

Check this example:

int OnInit()
//--- the EA consumes 1 GB for calculations
//--- don't use agents with less than 2 GB memory available
   if(TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MEMORY_PHYSICAL)<2048)  return(INIT_AGENT_NOT_SUITABLE);
//--- available memory should not be less than 1 Gb
//--- OK

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- show the approximate size of memory used
   Print("Used ",TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED)," Mb of memory");
So, to estimate the size of memory consumed by the EA, use TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED in OnDeinit. Then use this value for checks in OnInit.

So here's the answer of the support team.

Support Team 2014.12.12 15:02

Check this example:

So, to estimate the size of memory consumed by the EA, use TERMINAL_MEMORY_USED in OnDeinit. Then use this value for checks in OnInit.
It's a very good answer, you are lucky.
It's a very good answer, you are lucky.
Indeed. The EA gives good results on weekly testing, worried it won't run on yearly. Let's see ...
Indeed. The EA gives good results on weekly testing, worried it won't run on yearly. Let's see ...
'return' - 'void' function returns a value 

Using the code above inside OnInit, that's the error I get. Any idea ?
int OnInit()
Use OnInit as an int when using the retcodes. Here we are ...
Use OnInit as an int when using the retcodes. Here we are ...

:) I yet not solved the optimization problem. Even when allowing 3 gb.  Without the agent (I btw have to repay each pass requeued) how much time will it take ? On MQL4, there's no agent, does it last ... err a month ?

2014.12.15 15:23:53	MQL5 Cloud Europe 2	genetic pass (0, 265) tested with error "no memory in OnTick function (cannot get 4096 Kb, used 0 Mb)" in 812 ms (PR 193)
2014.12.15 15:24:02     MQL5 Cloud Europe 2     genetic pass (0, 470) tested with error "critical runtime error 520 in global initialization function (cannot load expert because of transformation error)" in 1 ms (PR 193)

:) I yet not solved the optimization problem. Even when allowing 3 gb.  Without the agent (I btw have to repay each pass requeued) how much time will it take ? On MQL4, there's no agent, does it last ... err a month ?

Seems an another error :

"critical runtime error 520 in global initialization function (cannot load expert because of transformation error)"

Did you report it to ServiceDesk ?

Your code seems to consume a lot of memory, possible ?