my account use BTCUSD and provider BTCUSD.lts

dapatkah saya mengikuti penyedia ini dan menyalin sinyal BTC atau tidak?
Amir M:
can i follow this provider and copy BTC signal or not?
  1. try with a demo account
  2. about symbol mapping read this:
    symbol mapping XAUUSD Gold
    check whether this applies for you.
Different symbols
Different symbols
  • 2020.07.29
If the signal symbols are different from my symbols, can I use those signals? for example My Symbol = EURUSD Signal Symbol = EURUSD.ecn...
Amir M:
can i follow this provider and copy BTC signal or not?

1. You can check the specification of this symbol in your Metatrader.
And check the mapoing which was described in FAQ, for example:

The Provider has trading symbol called GOLD, and my broker has the same instrument, but it is called XAUUSD. Are trades on GOLD copied to XAUUSD in that case?

Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.


2. More details (and the discussion about it) - read the following thread:

("no symbol found"; forex symbols)


3. Contact with the signal provider for advice.

Signal problem: position skipped as no symbol found
Signal problem: position skipped as no symbol found
  • 2021.04.19
Hello, I am having a very annoying problem...
Carl Schreiber #:
  1. try with a demo account
  2. about symbol mapping read this:
    symbol mapping XAUUSD Gold
    check whether this applies for you.

so it is imposible to copy CFD mode symbol in this site?

provider = BTCUSD.lts

signal copier = BTCUSD

the first 6 digit are same why i cant copy?