Update .hst file for offline chart


I have a script which does write 1000 candelsticks into a .hst file, my problem is when i change in my code the for loop to make only 1 run then i have also just 1 candelstick in my .hst file saved, so it looks like he overwwrite everything in the .hst file.

And i have just a easy question, how ust i write it to make it just update the .hst file instead of deleting all other candelsticks which are saved in the file?

Here is my code:

 //| Save HST File                                                    |

    if(ExtHandle<0) return;

    //--- write history file header
    c_copyright="(C)opyright 2003, MetaQuotes Software Corp.";

            int BarsBack=1000;

            for(int i=BarsBack; i>=1; i--)
               //--- write history file
                if(IsStopped()) break;


//| Update Chart                                                     |

        long id=ChartFirst();
            //--- find appropriate offline chart
            if(ChartSymbol(id)==c_symbol && ChartPeriod(id)==i_period && ChartGetInteger(id,CHART_IS_OFFLINE))
                PrintFormat("Chart window [%s,%d] found",c_symbol,i_period);
            //--- enumerate opened charts
    //--- refresh window 

        Print("Chart refresh call");