array out of range on strict?


Why on the flowing code do i get array out of range error only when on property strict?

int start()
   double atr,lowprice_i,highprice_i,lowma,highma;
   bool nexttrend=0;
   double minhighprice= High[Bars-1];
   double maxlowprice = Low[Bars-1];
   // Trend Multi Timeframe 
   for(int i=Bars-1; i>=0; i--)
      // Timeframe     

         if(highma<maxlowprice && iClose(_Symbol,_Period,i)<iLow(_Symbol,_Period,i+1))          

         if(lowma>minhighprice && iClose(_Symbol,_Period,i)>iHigh(_Symbol,_Period,i+1))
   return (0);

I know the problem is 


But im not sure how to get around what i need to do? Use i and i+1 as shown above. To compare current and previous values?

Stephen Reynolds:

Why on the flowing code do i get array out of range error only when on property strict?

I know the problem is 

But im not sure how to get around what i need to do? Use i and i+1 as shown above. To compare current and previous values?

I don't know if uses 

int trend[Bars-1];

The maximum value of 'i' is Bars-1.

So need the maximum array of trend variable is at least equal of i+1

Try this...

int trend[Bars];
Stephen Reynolds:
for(int i=Bars-1; i>=0; i--)
      // Timeframe     

(I am assuming you declared your trend[] as an Indicator Buffer earlier in your code)

Array Out of Range means you are looking for an Index (Candle in your case) that does not exist.
You loop starts at "Bars-1". (The Oldest Candle that exists on the chart)
When analysing the Oldest Candle (Bars-1), you are requesting info about "i+1" (Bars-0).
This Candle/Index "Bars-0 or i+1" does not Exist. 

There are multiple ways to fix this but, in summary, create a "int Limit" instead of using Bars in you for loop header.
That Limit will need to be Adjusted for the First Loop of the Indicator (!prev_calculated), and then readjust for the subsequent loops.

I unfortunately don't have links to other Trends but I know for sure that there are some on here. Search for "How to do your Lookbacks Correctly".

   for(int i=Bars-1; i>=0; i--)

See How to do your lookbacks correctly #9#14 & #19.