Problem with CreateObject


I created an indicator that measures the IBS (internal bar strength), I used part of the function listed in MQL docs but I do have a problem when I switch time frames, it doesn't seem to run the OnDeinit to clear up already created objects before it starts creating new objects based on the new timeframe, which I thought it was supposed to do. The result is that I get Error Code 4200 because the object name already exist because it wasn't removed correctly. I'm going blind trying to figure out what I'm missing but cannot figure it out (yet). Enclosed is the code, I would appreciate any assistance in resolving it.


//|                                                          IBS.mq4 |

//|                        Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//|                                    |


#property copyright "Copyright 2021, My Own Forex Guru."

#property link      ""

#property version   "1.10"

#property description "Internal Bar Strength (IBS) Indicator. Buy when IBS is less than 0.20 and sell when its above 0.70"

#property strict

#property indicator_chart_window

// Defining arrays to use with indicator

double ibs[];

double myPoint;

//--- input parameters of the indicator

input double            InpSell=0.70;            // What level to use for Sell, will be colored RED

input double            InpBuy=0.20;             // What level to use for Buy, will be colored GREEN

input string            InpFont="Arial";         // Font

input int               InpFontSize=10;          // Font size

input color             InpColor=clrRed;         // Color

input double            InpAngle=90.0;           // Slope angle in degrees

input ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT InpAnchor=ANCHOR_LEFT;   // Anchor type

input bool              InpBack=false;           // Background object

input bool              InpSelection=false;      // Highlight to move

input bool              InpHidden=true;          // Hidden in the object list

input long              InpZOrder=0;             // Priority for mouse click


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int OnInit()



   int obj_total=ObjectsTotal();

   PrintFormat("Total %d objects",obj_total);

   for(int i=obj_total-1; i>=0; i--)


      string name=ObjectName(i);

      PrintFormat("Deleteing object %d: %s",i,name);



   myPoint = Point();

   if(Digits() == 5 || Digits() == 3)


      myPoint *= 10;






//|                                                                  |


void OnDeinit(const int reason)



   int obj_total=ObjectsTotal();

   PrintFormat("Total %d objects",obj_total);

   for(int i=obj_total-1; i>=0; i--)


      string name=ObjectName(i);

      PrintFormat("Removing object %d: %s",i,name);






//|                                                                  |


bool TextCreate(const long chart_ID = 0,      // chart's ID

                const string name="IBS",     // object name

                const int sub_window=0,      // subwindow index

                datetime   time=0,           // anchor point time

                double price = 0,            // anchor point price

                const string text="IBS",     // the text itself

                const string font="Arial",

                const int font_size=10,

                color clr=clrRed,

                const double angle=0.0,

                const ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT anchor=ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER,

                const bool back=false,

                const bool selection=false,

                const bool hidden=true,

                const long z_order=0)


//-- set anchor point coordinates if they are not set


//-- reset the error value


//-- create Text object

   if(!ObjectCreate(chart_ID,name, OBJ_TEXT,sub_window,time,price))



            ": Failed to create ",name," object! Error code = ",GetLastError());



//-- set the text


//-- set text font


//-- set font size

   ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, font_size);

//-- set the slope angle of the text


//-- set anchor type


//-- set color

   ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_COLOR, clr);

//-- dislay in the foreground (false) or background (true)

   ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_BACK, back);

//-- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the object by mouse

   ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, selection);

   ObjectSetInteger(chart_ID,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED, selection);

//-- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list


//-- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart





//| Check anchor point values and set default values                 |

//| for empty ones                                                   |


void ChangeTextEmptyPoint(datetime &time,double &price)


//--- if the point's time is not set, it will be on the current bar



//--- if the point's price is not set, it will have Bid value





//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,

                const int prev_calculated,

                const datetime &time[],

                const double &open[],

                const double &high[],

                const double &low[],

                const double &close[],

                const long &tick_volume[],

                const long &volume[],

                const int &spread[])


//--- Reset the error value


   double IBS = 0;

   color ibsColor = InpColor;

   string ibsFont = InpFont;

   double ibsAngle = InpAngle;

   int total = 0;







      total = rates_total - prev_calculated;


   for(int i=0; i<total; i++)


      //         tops[i] = High[i];

      //         bottoms[i] = Low[i];


      double range1 = 0;

      double range2 = 0;

      IBS = 0;

      if(High[i+1] < High[i+2] && Low[i+1] > Low[i+2])


         range1 = Close[i+1] - Low[i+1];

         range2 = High[i+1] - Low[i+1];

         IBS = range1 / range2;



            ibsColor = clrGreen;

            ibsFont = "Arial Bold";

            ibsAngle = InpAngle;



            if(IBS > InpSell)


               ibsColor = clrRed;

               ibsFont = "Arial Bold";

               ibsAngle = InpAngle;



               if(IBS > InpBuy && IBS < InpSell)


                  ibsColor = clrBlack;

                  ibsFont = "Arial";

                  ibsAngle = 90;


         if(!TextCreate(0,"IBS_"+(string)i,0,time[i+1],high[i+1]+1 * myPoint,DoubleToStr(IBS,3),ibsFont,InpFontSize,ibsColor,ibsAngle,InpAnchor,InpBack,InpSelection,InpHidden,InpZOrder))






         int obj_total=ObjectsTotal();

         PrintFormat("Total %d objects",obj_total);

         for(int j=obj_total-1; j>=0; j--)


            string name=ObjectName(j);

            PrintFormat("IBS object %d: %s",j,name);


               //if (range2 == 0)


               //   range2 = range2 + 0.01;


               //tops[i] = High[i];

               //           double IBS = range1 - range2;

               //           ibs[i] = High[i];







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Christer Wittusen: it doesn't seem to run the OnDeinit to clear up already created objects before it starts creating new objects based on the new timeframe, which I thought it was supposed to do. The result is that I get Error Code 4200 because the object name already exist because it wasn't removed correctly.
  1. That is not the problem. You did delete them.

  2. if(!TextCreate(0,"IBS_"+(string)i,0

    You can't use an as-series index in object names as they are not unique. As soon as a new bar starts, you will be trying to create a new name (e.g. "name0"), same, existing, previous, name (e.g. “name0” now on bar one.)

    Use time (as int) or a non-series index:

    #define  SERIES(I)   (Bars - 1 - I) // As-series to non-series or back.
William Roeder #:
  1. That is not the problem. You did delete them.

  2. You can't use an as-series index in object names as they are not unique. As soon as a new bar starts, you will be trying to create a new name (e.g. "name0"), same, existing, previous, name (e.g. “name0” now on bar one.)

    Use time (as int) or a non-series index:


Thank you, I do get object names as a series, like IBS_01, IBS_02, but I guess something prevents it from being deleted when switching TFs, however, it seems most of them are being deleted. However, I think you probably know more than I do, how would you replace my current code then because I'm not quite following how to fix the code with what you suggested.



Christer Wittusen #: but I guess something prevents it from being deleted when switching TFs, 

What part of “that is not the problem. You did delete them” was unclear?

Christer Wittusen #: how would you replace my current code then because I'm not quite following how to fix the code with what you suggested.
I gave you two suggestions. Modify your code.
William Roeder #:

What part of “that is not the problem. You did delete them” was unclear?

I gave you two suggestions. Modify your code.

I re-read your thing and I understand that I'm successfully removing the objects, however, that candle 0 and 1 will always cause issues and now I'm trying to figure out how to do a non-series index or time, I'm still new at this code (mql) so I'm still learning. I'll figure it out, thx for your help.
