Searching for an EA to fill up idle hours


Hello everyone, I have an EA that is trading after US closes its market. From 23h to 1h, GMT+2.
But I am searching for a bot that could fill up (some of) the remaining hours.
As it would be a shame to have so many idle hours, if it is possible to have it different. 

- Should be a great bot, no need to consider it to be just a fill up bot.
- Stable and no risky one (no grid, martingale etc.), a good one for longterm/compounding.
- Should not trade between the active hours of R Factor (From 23h to 1h, GMT+2.) and close trades in time.
- No need to be a custom one, existing market place bot that fits criteria is what I prefere.

Is this what someone else was also searching for and succesfully found one? Is it risky to use multiple strategies this way?

So 22 hours a day my account is idle, not active bots. Looking for a bot to fill that up, and not being in the way of my R Factor bot.

Hope to hear from you pro's :)

~ Marco