Window Server


Question about trying to figure out the efficiency for my VPS. When it comes to copy software like mt4 copier or fxblue personal trade copier--When I use it on my personal computer (great specs), if I make a change to the SL or TP, or open/close a trade it is instant, just super fast. 

On my VPS, and I notice this with every single VPS I get, I notice that it takes longer, one to two seconds for it to copy over from one MT5 to the other MT5. Could this be because it's running on Windows Server 2012 R2??? 

If I chose Windows Server 2016 or 2019 R2 would that make a difference in how its copied over between metatraders? I'm starting to wonder if what causes this is how windows itself transfers the data. I honestly don't know so asking.  The VPS is not bad, its 4gb RAM, SSD, 4vCPU. Just something I keep noticing. 

Angel Negron:

Question about trying to figure out the efficiency for my VPS. When it comes to copy software like mt4 copier or fxblue personal trade copier--When I use it on my personal computer (great specs), if I make a change to the SL or TP, or open/close a trade it is instant, just super fast. 

On my VPS, and I notice this with every single VPS I get, I notice that it takes longer, one to two seconds for it to copy over from one MT5 to the other MT5. Could this be because it's running on Windows Server 2012 R2??? 

If I chose Windows Server 2016 or 2019 R2 would that make a difference in how its copied over between metatraders? I'm starting to wonder if what causes this is how windows itself transfers the data. I honestly don't know so asking.  The VPS is not bad, its 4gb RAM, SSD, 4vCPU. Just something I keep noticing. 

I guess you are using a virtual server and that means the 'speed' of your vps depends on the provider and how many other vps he has let to others on the physical machine. It's not a problem of the OS but your provider.