Calling the MessageBox() as a function. - page 2

Drazen Penic #:

As William told you, MT4 executes what you coded.

It does not work as you expect it because you have a bug in your code.

You should debug your EA. Print values, use debugger.

Or post something that can be compiled and tested in this thread.

Excuse me, Drazen, would you like to try that again without the oozing, dripping attitude here? I was going by your demonstration.

"As William told you...", " MT4 executes what you coded." Who the actual hell do you think you are?

Your demonstration does not work and it is not executing what I coded. Your demonstration yields the same result as before I posted this tread up. It's fine when that happens, it's called a two-way dialogue, I came back to you to tell you that your demonstration does not work and you're sitting there patronising me, please do not talk to me like I am stupid.  

I'm not telling you this to upset you, I'm not telling you this to piss you off, that's the last thing I want to do but do not start telling me that I have a bug in my code, I gave you an example, I am printing errors left, right and centre, I am debugging. When I am given a demonstration and that demonstration does not work, of course I'm going to come back to you and I do that so you can learn as well as I can - we want to always strive for better here & I did it to help you. 

Don't start giving me attitude because I told you on a public forum that your demonstration does not work. 

Todd Peter Gilbey #:

Excuse me, Drazen, would you like to try that again without the oozing, dripping attitude here? I was going by your demonstration.

"As William told you...", " MT4 executes what you coded." Who the actual hell do you think you are?

Your demonstration does not work and it is not executing what I coded. Your demonstration yields the same result as before I posted this tread up. It's fine when that happens, it's called a two-way dialogue, I came back to you to tell you that your demonstration does not work and you're sitting there patronising me, please do not talk to me like I am stupid.  

I'm not telling you this to upset you, I'm not telling you this to piss you off, that's the last thing I want to do but do not start telling me that I have a bug in my code, I gave you an example, I am printing errors left, right and centre, I am debugging. When I am given a demonstration and that demonstration does not work, of course I'm going to come back to you and I do that so you can learn as well as I can - we want to always strive for better here & I did it to help you. 

Don't start giving me attitude because I told you on a public forum that your demonstration does not work. 

Well, yeah, you got a direction, you can't implement it, you didn't gave any details about your implementation and you are now angry because I asked you to provide details to help you fix bug in YOUR code.

Instead of providing something testable, you are here teaching me a lesson about me not being humble enough in helping you? What kind of attitude is that?

How's your incompetence to implement simplest coding pattern my problem?  

Drazen Penic #:

Well, yeah, you got a direction, you can't implement it, you didn't gave any details about your implementation and you are now angry because I asked you to provide details to help you fix bug in YOUR code.

Instead of providing something testable, you are here teaching me a lesson about me not being humble enough in helping you? What kind of attitude is that?

How's your incompetence to implement simplest coding pattern my problem?  

I'm not angry about that at all, it's a reasonable request to make. Don't start making me out to be the unreasonable one here, I did what anyone else would have done on here, that was to let you know that didn't work. I don't know how long you have been on here but you will see posts of people doing this, that's how these forums work, most people would have gone away and figured out a rework but you and your mate William?

Oh no,  you two have decided that you two and so perfect, you can't be corrected, neither of you an be wrong & if anyone so much as dare to tell you on a public forum that what you have provided doesn't work? Well, we can't be having that, can we Draz? 

Teaching you a lesson? Why would I take time out of my day to teach a complete stranger a lesson? Even if I wanted to, with the attitude I have just seen from you, you can't teach anyone any lesson when all you've done is produce a dud piece of code, then berate me, cry and stamp your feet when you're told it doesn't work. 

Oh and my incompetence? I'm not the one who provided this "simplest coding pattern" which ended up yielding the very result with which the problem was trying to fix. I'm the incompetent one here? Me? I'm the supposed to be the incompetent? Yes, If I was competent to a higher standard I wouldn't posting on here but the difference is, I come here to learn. What do you come here to do? 

In all my years of using this forum I have never seen so much deflection in one post as I have just seen from you - it's almost adorable, it's incredibly hilarious. You seriously either need to grow up, stop being so petty or do everyone else on this forum a favour and click the "delete" button on your profile.

Your solution did not work. Learn from it, grow up, & stop being such a child because the only thing I'm hearing from all this is "Oh no, someone told me my code didn't work in front of everyone, my feelings are hurt, my ego is dented, so I'm going to make him look incompetent and stupid so I can come out on top."  

Seriously, think about what you're writing because your behaver is abysmal. Don't even bother to reply to this, I'll just hear more waffle and more gaslighting about how I'm the unreasonable one  and besides I've just ran out of popcorn reading your last response - so please, just don't bother. 

Todd Peter Gilbey #: It's not supposed to do that, it's supposed to continue if the MessageBox returns 6.

It does continue. Then on the next tick your code runs again. Debug your code; put a print statement at the top of OnTick and the top of your function.

Todd Peter Gilbey #:

I'm not angry about that at all, it's a reasonable request to make. Don't start making me out to be the unreasonable one here, I did what anyone else would have done on here, that was to let you know that didn't work. I don't know how long you have been on here but you will see posts of people doing this, that's how these forums work, most people would have gone away and figured out a rework but you and your mate William?

Oh no,  you two have decided that you two and so perfect, you can't be corrected, neither of you an be wrong & if anyone so much as dare to tell you on a public forum that what you have provided doesn't work? Well, we can't be having that, can we Draz? 

Teaching you a lesson? Why would I take time out of my day to teach a complete stranger a lesson? Even if I wanted to, with the attitude I have just seen from you, you can't teach anyone any lesson when all you've done is produce a dud piece of code, then berate me, cry and stamp your feet when you're told it doesn't work. 

Oh and my incompetence? I'm not the one who provided this "simplest coding pattern" which ended up yielding the very result with which the problem was trying to fix. I'm the incompetent one here? Me? I'm the supposed to be the incompetent? Yes, If I was competent to a higher standard I wouldn't posting on here but the difference is, I come here to learn. What do you come here to do? 

In all my years of using this forum I have never seen so much deflection in one post as I have just seen from you - it's almost adorable, it's incredibly hilarious. You seriously either need to grow up, stop being so petty or do everyone else on this forum a favour and click the "delete" button on your profile.

Your solution did not work. Learn from it, grow up, & stop being such a child because the only thing I'm hearing from all this is "Oh no, someone told me my code didn't work in front of everyone, my feelings are hurt, my ego is dented, so I'm going to make him look incompetent and stupid so I can come out on top."  

Seriously, think about what you're writing because your behaver is abysmal. Don't even bother to reply to this, I'll just hear more waffle and more gaslighting about how I'm the unreasonable one  and besides I've just ran out of popcorn reading your last response - so please, just don't bother. 

Looooool :-D

What an ego :-D

Again. You are incompetent. You don't know what you are doing.  (and somehow it is someone else's fault?!?)

To recap, your problem is writing code for the following situation: 

  • user is presented with message box
  • user selects one button
  • if user presses "OK" - open trade, else do nothing

This is about third lesson in "Programming for dummies" - conditional execution. And that is what my "demonstration" does.

How could you screw that up? 

If you are not able to follow the simplest code structure or you don't understand the concept of conditional execution, then you should take some programming class. 
Also, do you understand concept of function and function result? That is another basic programming concept, taught right after conditionals and loops.

You spent considerable time explaining me how my "attitude" is wrong and how you are offended by it.  

If you instead listened and posted your buggy code here, somebody could have helped you. 

Yet, you know better how it is done on the public forum. 

How does that help you solve your problem?
Drazen Penic #:

Looooool :-D

What an ego :-D

Again. You are incompetent. You don't know what you are doing.  (and somehow it is someone else's fault?!?)

To recap, your problem is writing code for the following situation: 

  • user is presented with message box
  • user selects one button
  • if user presses "OK" - open trade, else do nothing

This is about third lesson in "Programming for dummies" - conditional execution. And that is what my "demonstration" does.

How could you screw that up? 

If you are not able to follow the simplest code structure or you don't understand the concept of conditional execution, then you should take some programming class. 
Also, do you understand concept of function and function result? That is another basic programming concept, taught right after conditionals and loops.

You spent considerable time explaining me how my "attitude" is wrong and how you are offended by it.  

If you instead listened and posted your buggy code here, somebody could have helped you. 

Yet, you know better how it is done on the public forum. 

How does that help you solve your problem?

Thank you for proving my point: "waffle", "waffle", "waffle", "waffle", "waffle".

I see you haven't deleted your profile yet.


Oh and I don't know what I'm doing? I think the 1,240 lines of code which make up my algorithm which, by the way, works perfectly will disagree with you. The issue I presented to you would not have prevented the EA from not working, I was simply moving the MessageBox into a function as opposed to having this repeated on both long and sort triggers. I can go back to the previous version and and carry on as normal. 

But then again, what would I know, because apparently I'm "incompetent".

And no, clearly I don't know how this is better done Draz, otherwise I would not have posted on here. (You see that, Draz, what you just saw there is a human being admitting a weakness - something you should learn how to do. No one will disrespect you, no one will think any less of you.) Maybe you should change your name on here to "Capitan of the Obvious

Now we can either go backwards and forwards here, until one of us dies of old age, or we can go on and do more constructive things with our time.

I know what I'd rather do.... 


William Roeder #:

It does continue. Then on the next tick your code runs again. Debug your code; put a print statement at the top of OnTick and the top of your function.

Thanks :)

Alain Verleyen #:

No ego here whatsoever, I'm being berated for asking for guidance and I'm defending myself. If you want to call that "ego" then you go right ahead, it makes no difference to me. 

Sometimes it is not the action of others, but the reaction of ourselves that's giving us a hard time.

If for some reason we do not like the answer we are getting for a question asked, we need to rephrase or try to shift perspective.

It won't do any favor, trying to force someone's point of view into another.

Adapt or break...

Same goes for trading.