Does anyone know anyone who offers leveraged ETFs like SQQQ on MT4/5? Has anyone ever seen any 3x Leveraged ETFs offered on MT4/5 yet?



Ive been searching for days for someone on the MT4/5 platform who offers leveraged ETFs like SQQQ/ TQQQ etc.

For some reason they seem really rare on MT4/5. I understand MT4/5 is more of a FX platform but stocks are more common these days than 5 years ago but leveraged ETFS dont seem to have made it to the forefront yet.

Ive been saying for years MT4/5 should publish a directory to US its users so we can search from the records on their back end so we know where to go to find a certain instrument (and even who has the best prices/ spreads etc).

Its 2021 and im sitting here manually opening accounts to search to try and find someone!

If anyone knows who offers SQQQ on here would be greatful!



The first broker which I found (MT5):




It is the weekend for today, and connection to the server of the broker is lost for now.
So, it is necessary to connect tomorrow or on Monday for example.


Next broker (MT5 as well):

By the way, the discussion about the brokers is prohibited on the forum.
for information.
Sergey Golubev #:

The first broker which I found (MT5):


It is the weekend for today, and connection to the server of the broker is lost for now.
So, it is necessary to connect tomorrow or on Monday for example.

It works now -

So, you can create demo account on those two brokers to check the symbols.

Sergey Golubev #:

Next broker (MT5 as well):

WOW!! thats amazing! Thanks so much! How did you find these so fast? is there a trick? as ideally id like to find a few if that makes sense? no joke ive got about 200 random broker demos open in my MT5 and clicked through them all all night and didnt find any lol. Did you do it manually too?

Thanks again. And yes, im not promoting broker just need info ty again!!

there are already index cfd in most brokers which is already leveraged, and the leverage ratio is already higher than tqqq
Pak Hong Poon #:
there are already index cfd in most brokers which is already leveraged, and the leverage ratio is already higher than tqqq

Yes but there is a difference between non-securitised leverage and securitised leverage. for example, with typical leverage at 5/1 a 20% drop = your account is 0.

But when you trade securitised products.. a 20% loss you still own 1 lot of product if that makes sense.