Cannot activate "Use MQL5 Cloud Network"



I am new to MetaTester, so I am not sure how common these problems are.

First, though I have more than $1 in my account, I cannot check the box "Use MQL5 Cloud Network" on one of my machines.  On another machine, I can check that box.  What is wrong in the first case?  Is it because a simulation is already running?

Second, on neither machine can I get the cloud to actually do anything.  Lots of agents are sitting unused, and I have work for them, but none is assigned and my own machine is taking days to finish the job.

Third, on my local agent farm (which I would prefer to use over the cloud), I cannot find the other computers on my home network (British Telecom router) by scanning.  Entering details manually does not lead to recognition of the Hardware.  I don't know much about firewalls, but I fumbled around a bit and it hasn't helped yet.

Fourth, adding agents to my local farm by scanning adds the _machine's own_ cores.  So I see my computer twice---once in the Local Agents, once in the Local Network Farm.  Is that okay?  It is not clear if it actually works:

"Tasks / Passed" has figures like "25 / 0". 

Thank you.