Calling values of candle next to highest candle using iHighest - page 2

William Roeder #:
Because you are just being lazy. Learn to code. Code your attempt. If you can't get it to work, show your attempt and state your problem. You did nothing.

Since the code was over 64000 characters I couldn't copy paste it into the thread so here I am uploading the code with thousands of lines that you said was unnecessary that took me two days to write because you know... I'm so lazy, just to prove I'm worthy to be spoken to with some decency.  Couldn't be that this is my first post and that I even asked in my first post if it was a duplicate post or if I needed to show my code for more clarity.  It doesn't help us newbies when you guys jump to conclusions and jump down our throats before reading our posts. 

So maybe after you look over the code I uploaded you can verify I'm learning and taking the necessary steps to do it on my own before asking and nudge me in the right direction with some patience. 

If I can get to the place where I can identify the highest 4hr candle of last week with simpler code, then I could move to the next step of identifying the next candle.  There's no point to attempt that until the first half of the code is right.

iLevelsTest.mq4  153 kb
JamilPotts #: Since the code was over 64000 characters I couldn't copy paste it into the thread so here

I did not mean to paste your monstrosity. I stated how to code it in a few lines. You didn't try to do that.

William Roeder #:

I did not mean to paste your monstrosity. I stated how to code it in a few lines. You didn't try to do that.

All you said was use ibarshift and ihighest without any context and then posted unfinished code without context, didn’t give any clues on how or why it works.  If I knew those things I wouldn’t have needed to come to the forum to ask. 

It’s obvious you think knowing more than others on an internet forum gives you some type of power and trying to make them feel little because of it really turns you on.  Enjoy your life William, & please go find a new supply for your narcissism.  
Hopefully, someone else with a greater knowledge of coding than I, but with better character than William can shed some light on this situation.  Not sure why this has taken such a negative turn when all I've been asking for is context. 
William Roeder #:

I did not mean to paste your monstrosity. I stated how to code it in a few lines. You didn't try to do that.

datetime LastWeek = (iTime(NULL,10080,1));
datetime ThisWeek = (iTime(NULL,10080,0));
int FourHR = Bars(NULL,240,LastWeek,ThisWeek);
int H4HR = iHighest(NULL,240,MODE_HIGH,FourHR,0);
datetime H4HRT = Time[H4HR];
bool H4HRbrish = Close[H4HR] < Open[H4HR];
bool H4HRblish = Close[H4HR] > Open[H4HR];
bool broken = Low[H4HR - 1] < Open[H4HR];


if (H4HRbrish)
Alert("Highest 4 HR candle from last week is bearish");
if (H4HRblish)
Alert("Highest 4 HR candle from last week is bullish");
//Alert(H4HR + (60 * 60 * 24));
if (broken)
Alert("Highest 4 HR candle was broken");

All you had to do was give context like a normal human being. iBarShift wasn't even the answer.  Please grow up.