File : Open, read line by line, use what has been read, close


Hi ! Here's the code & what it returns. Would love to be helped on that function !

   string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
   string subfolder="Settings";
   string filename = Symbol + ".set";
int filehandle=FileOpen(subfolder+"\\"+filename,FILE_TXT|FILE_READ);
      PrintFormat("%s file is available for reading",filename);
      //--- additional variables
      //int    str_size;
      string str;
      //--- read data from the file

         //--- read the string
         //--- print the string
      //--- close the file
      PrintFormat("Data is read, %s file is closed",filename);
      PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",filename,GetLastError());

I can see that in the expert tab :

Data is read, ger30.set file is closed <- end
2014.11.27 08:59:14 Ger30Dec14 0 <- is that the file read line by lines ? 
File path: C:\Users\blouf\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\9DC46CFC75DA31CE79A53E3CEEF53781\Files\ <- where's that coming from ? that's not the folder I use
ger30.set file is available for reading <- seems to be correctly checked

Hi ! Here's the code & what it returns. Would love to be helped on that function !

I can see that in the expert tab :

It seems that for security reason there's a limitation using file to the file sandbox, I've changed the path, but still no change even if the path to the file is correct :

Using now this code :

   string fullpath = terminal_data_path + "\\" + subfolder + "\\" + filename;
   int filehandle=FileOpen(fullpath,FILE_TXT|FILE_READ);
   printf("Path to the file : %s",fullpath);
Failed to open ger30.set file, Error code = 5002
Path to the file : C:\Users\blouf\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\9DC46CFC75DA31CE79A53E3CEEF53781\Files\ger30.set
Solved. No extra path, just the terminal path set & the filename.
Solved. No extra path, just the terminal path set & the filename.