Symbol presets


Hi there community, I'm trying to set different parameters for some symbols by filtering them into the loop and I'd like to get some help.

These are the lines:

//+--- Parameters ---------------------------------------------------!
      int    StartHour       = 21;
      bool   PartialClose    = true;
      //+----------------------------------------- Symbol presets ---!
      string Start22="USDCHF"||"EURGBP"||"EURAUD"||"USDCAD"||"NZDCAD"||"NZDUSD"||"EURUSD";
      for(int p=0;p<SymbolsTotal(true);p++){

Seems so simple but I'm having some compilation errors, thank you in advance.

'||' - illegal operation use EA.mq5 90 50

implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string' EA.mq5 90 40


Is “cat” or “car” true or false? Utter babel.

But since you were argumentative (twice (2019)) and (five times (2019)) I won't be helping. Two (2) years later, you are still arguing (2021.06.10)) with people trying to help you.

William Roeder #:

Is “cat” or “car” true or false? Utter babel.

But since you were argumentative (twice (2019)) and (five times (2019)) I won't be helping. Two (2) years later, you are still arguing (2021.06.10)) with people trying to help you.

Every time pointing the finger at me, how heavy.

Any help is welcome, not just for my purpose but also for the people to keep learning.