Signal missing from MT5 Signals Marketplace


I am successfully subscribed to 2 signals from my VPS-based MT5. There is a 3rd signal I also want to subscribe to, here:

My problem is, my MT5 Signals Marketplace does not list this signal. When I sort them alphabetically ( "Signal / Equity" ) it skips it.

Any ideas?

Do I need to (and is there a way) to get MT5 to refresh its list of signals?

lee allen:

I am successfully subscribed to 2 signals from my VPS-based MT5. There is a 3rd signal I also want to subscribe to, here:

My problem is, my MT5 Signals Marketplace does not list this signal. When I sort them alphabetically ( "Signal / Equity" ) it skips it.

Any ideas?

Do I need to (and is there a way) to get MT5 to refresh its list of signals?

Search for the signal by name on the top right corner of the MT5 terminal.


That was the perfect solution, and a tool I can use a lot, now that I know about it.

Thank you!

My signal is not available to the public. Is it because I just registered?
Abayomi Majekodunmi Omojokun #:
My signal is not available to the public. Is it because I just registered?

Yes, it takes time to be rated and ranked, be patient.

I am not having signal option in my terminal and i am not able to subscribe to anyone please help
Yash Modak - #:
I am not having signal option in my terminal and i am not able to subscribe to anyone please help

Make sure that you fill Community tab with your forum login and forum password.
Your forum login is yash-modak-gmail (do not use your email for login).

It is about how I am filling Community tab and what to check during this process:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2021.01.04 16:50

I am trying my MT4 (build1320).

1. I made Community login:

2. and checked in Metatrader journal:

3. I checked Internet Explorer installed on computer:

4. I checked the settings of Internet Explorer: yes, I can use the chat with not a problem by sending/receiving the messages:

5. Signal tab works:

6. Market tab works:

Also - check your Metatrader build (it should be the latest release/stable build), check your Internet Explorer which should be installed on your computer by the latest version, and make sure that you are not using old Windows versions (Windows 10 with 64-bit is required for MT5 for example).