Delete Freelance job.


This is my first time using Freelance service of mql5.
Currently my chosen developer is 2 weeks overdue.

IF I choose "delete" will I be penalized?


delete_job.JPG  47 kb
Tran Duc Anh:

This is my first time using Freelance service of mql5.
Currently my chosen developer is 2 weeks overdue.

IF I choose "delete" will I be penalized?


you'll pay the fee of 10%

Samuel Manoel De Souza #:

you'll pay the fee of 10%

thank you ,
Obviously, this is not me.

Samuel Manoel De Souza #:

you'll pay the fee of 10%

Tran Duc Anh #:

thank you ,
Obviously, this is not me.

It looks to me that the developer has not accepted the job so you will not have had the money locked yet.
In this case deleting the job will not incur any penalty.

You can also de-select the developer and work with one of the other applicants.

Keith Watford #:

It looks to me that the developer has not accepted the job so you will not have had the money locked yet.
In this case deleting the job will not incur any penalty.

You can also de-select the developer and work with one of the other applicants.

Thank you,

It's true that after deleting that job, I didn't get deducted