calculate Lot. Mql4 - page 2

ghobar #:

Hello to all professors

I wrote another code with higher accuracy

But I think it should work properly

But I could not draw conclusions from this code

Where is my code problem?

extern int Magic=0;
input double PercentageRiskValue=0.10;
double MaxPositionProfit;
bool   TheCloseState=0;//Mark if On Closing
double totalProfit = 0;
double totalOpenLots = 0;

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

    for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
        bool result=OrderClose ( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),5,Red);
            TheCloseState=true;//If Close Failed Still On Closing
    }//end for

    if(TheCloseState==true) return;

GetTotalLotsProfit();//get Lots and Profit

if(totalOpenLots > 0 && totalProfit > 0)
//100            =1000*1.0          *0.1;//for example: 1.0 Lot -- 10% RiskValue Need 100.00$ Profit

    if(totalProfit >=MaxPositionProfit)

  void GetTotalLotsProfit()
  totalProfit = 0;
  totalOpenLots = 0;

      for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
          if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
          totalOpenLots += OrderLots();
          totalProfit += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());

Just For Reference

 void closeatprofit()

 //-------- total profits..  
   double lotstotal  = 0;
   double TotalProfit= 0;
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--)
   if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS))
   if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) 
     TotalProfit= TotalProfit+ OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
 //---------------------total lots...
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i >= 0; i--)
               if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OP_SELL) //Counting total Size of buy+sell order (not pending).
 //-----------------------closing condition.. 
 if(TotalProfit > lotstotal*100) // here is the condition asked.  
  for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i >= 0; i--)
    if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES) && (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OP_SELL))
       double ticket = OrderClose (OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), 3, CLR_NONE);

Try this one.... test yourself before using.....

Seb2021 #:

Try this one.... test yourself before using.....

Some Shortcomings :

First of All,one For() Loop cannot make sure that all orders can be colsed those should be,if some failed they will be ignored by your code;

Secondly,we can get total Lots and Profit in only one  For()  Loop,that is higher efficient.


Hello to all professors, with this code I want to come and calculate the whole Lot first (for example, purchase)

Then we calculate that if 10% of the imported Lot goes to profit, it will close all the orders.

But it has a little problem and it does not do that.

  • Loop through all the open trades and get the sum of the profits from each trade :

TotalProfitsFromAllTrades += OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommision();

  • Check if the total profits from all trades exceeds X $.
  • If total profits exceeds X $ close all the open trades one by one.
Ao Shen #:

Just For Reference

Hello dear teacher and friend

I tried your code, it works properly

But to become more professional, it needs a few modifications

We want this code to calculate the volume of positions (buy and sell) separately and also to close the positions separately.

When I use your code and just change the magic number, it does the calculations well

But if I want to use 2 magic separately, only the positions (bye with magic 3) are calculated correctly and it is closed and the positions (tuberculosis with magic 4) are not calculated and are not closed.

I modified the code like this and got no result

void GetProfitBuy()

    for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic3 && OrderType()==OP_BUY)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
        bool result=OrderClose ( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),5,Red);
            TheCloseState=true;//If Close Failed Still On Closing
    }//end for

    if(TheCloseState==true) return;

GetTotalLotsProfit();//get Lots and Profit

if(totalOpenLots > 0 && totalProfit > 0)
//100            =1000*1.0          *0.1;//for example: 1.0 Lot -- 10% RiskValue Need 100.00$ Profit

    if(totalProfit >=MaxPositionProfit)
  void GetTotalLotsProfit()
  totalProfit = 0;
  totalOpenLots = 0;

      for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
          if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic3 && OrderType()==OP_BUY)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
          totalOpenLots += OrderLots();
          totalProfit += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
 void GetProfitSell()

    for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic4 && OrderType()==OP_SELL)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
        bool result=OrderClose ( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),5,Red);
            TheCloseState=true;//If Close Failed Still On Closing
    }//end for

    if(TheCloseState==true) return;

GetTotalLotsProfitSell();//get Lots and Profit

if(totalOpenLots > 0 && totalProfit > 0)
//100            =1000*1.0          *0.1;//for example: 1.0 Lot -- 10% RiskValue Need 100.00$ Profit

    if(totalProfit >=MaxPositionProfit)
  void GetTotalLotsProfitSell()
  totalProfit = 0;
  totalOpenLots = 0;

      for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
          if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderSymbol() == "GBPUSD" && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic4 && OrderType()==OP_SELL)//Exactly OrderType()should <=1 and many other conditions you want
          totalOpenLots += OrderLots();
          totalProfit += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());


Thanks to all the professors (for helping)

The problem was solved.

ghobar #:

Hello dear teacher and friend

I tried your code, it works properly

But to become more professional, it needs a few modifications

We want this code to calculate the volume of positions (buy and sell) separately and also to close the positions separately.

When I use your code and just change the magic number, it does the calculations well

But if I want to use 2 magic separately, only the positions (bye with magic 3) are calculated correctly and it is closed and the positions (tuberculosis with magic 4) are not calculated and are not closed.

I modified the code like this and got no result

#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

input  int    Magic1=0;//if Magic1==-1 means don't separate by MagicNumber
input  int    Magic2=-1;
input  int    Magic3=-1;
input  double PercentageRiskValue=0.10;
double MaxPositionProfit;

bool   TheCloseStateBuy = false;//Mark if On Closing
bool   TheCloseStateSell = false;//Mark if On Closing
int    TheOnCloseMagicBuy=-2;
int    TheOnCloseMagicSell=-2;
double TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[3][2];//[LotsBuy_Magic1|ProfitBuy_Magic1||LotsBuy_Magic2|ProfitBuy_Magic2||LotsBuy_Magic3|ProfitBuy_Magic3]
double TheTotalLotsProfitSell[3][2];

string TheSymbol="GBPUSD";

void OnTick()
//OrderBuy On Closing

    for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && 
           OrderSymbol() == TheSymbol && 
           OrderType()==OP_BUY &&
           (TheOnCloseMagicBuy==-1 || OrderMagicNumber() == TheOnCloseMagicBuy))
        bool result=OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),5,clrRed);
            TheCloseStateBuy=true;//If Close Failed Still On Closing
    }//end for


//OrderSell On Closing

    for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && 
           OrderSymbol() == TheSymbol && 
           OrderType()==OP_SELL &&
           (TheOnCloseMagicSell==-1 || OrderMagicNumber() == TheOnCloseMagicSell))
        bool result=OrderClose( OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(),5,clrLime);
            TheCloseStateSell=true;//If Close Failed Still On Closing
    }//end for


GetTotalLotsProfit(TheSymbol,TheTotalLotsProfitBuy,TheTotalLotsProfitSell,Magic1,Magic2,Magic3);//get Lots and Profit

   if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[0][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[1][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[1][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[1][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[2][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[2][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitBuy[2][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[0][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)

   if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[1][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitSell[1][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[1][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)
   if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[2][0] > 0 && TheTotalLotsProfitSell[2][1] > 0)
      if(TheTotalLotsProfitSell[2][1] >= MaxPositionProfit)



void GetTotalLotsProfit(string MySymbol,double& MyTotalLPBuy[][2],double& MyTotalLPSell[][2],
                        int MyMagic1,int MyMagic2=-1,int MyMagic3=-1)

   for(int i = OrdersTotal() -1; i >= 0; i--)
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && 
         OrderSymbol() == MySymbol)
            if(MyMagic1==-1)//if MyMagic==-1 means don't separate by MagicNumber
            MyTotalLPBuy[0][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPBuy[0][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPBuy[0][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPBuy[0][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPBuy[1][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPBuy[1][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPBuy[2][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPBuy[2][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());;
            if(MyMagic1==-1)//if MyMagic==-1 means don't separate by MagicNumber
            MyTotalLPSell[0][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPSell[0][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPSell[0][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPSell[0][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPSell[1][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPSell[1][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
            MyTotalLPSell[2][0] += OrderLots();
            MyTotalLPSell[2][1] += (OrderProfit() + OrderCommission() + OrderSwap());
   }//end for

I've tested only by mind because there  is no order open module in this code 

Ao Shen #:

I've tested only by mind because there  is no order open module in this code 

This is an example of a complete code