Subscription will be enabled when trading starts

I published by signal but potential subscribers cannot subscribe due to the above error message. Any idea on how I can solve this?
Start trading.
Mustafer Ngowa Katana:
I published by signal but potential subscribers cannot subscribe due to the above error message. Any idea on how I can solve this?

Read the message carefully and its all there, when you start trading your signal will be available for subscription.

Marco vd Heijden #:
Start trading

I had two open trades but it wasn't working but now it's working. I guess it just needed some time.

Mustafer Ngowa Katana #:

I had two open trades but it wasn't working but now it's working. I guess it just needed some time.

At least one trade has to be closed in order for a signal to be available for subscription.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

At least one trade has to be closed in order for a signal to be available for subscription.

Noted. Thanks

it's funny that you expect your signal to have potential subscribers when you don't even start trading lol
Pak Hong Poon #:
it's funny that you expect your signal to have potential subscribers when you don't even start trading lol

promotion ... some signal sibscribers knews nothing about how to proote their signals on some other exteral internet resources.
and it is the main issue ... they do not know what to do and where to go to promote ...

My example:


Example - it is one of my 3 twitter accounts:

And have nothing to sell ... but I have facebook pages and more.

And it is very strange for me if the sellers are asking about the following: "How can I get my clients?"

Because the promotion (to get the clients) are the job (yes, it is the real job) ... on the other forums (external forums), and more...