do you own the rights legally?


I never really cared until I heard so many like cruel and selfish fellows talk about this subject without any proof.

I should say indicator or expert advisor. Both have some degree of legal entity but who rightfully owns anything?

Don't be like the others that just think it will help to change the subject or be mean about the topic at large.🙂

Show your copyright or other info that proves it ~ it would be nice to see what these others are missing, now.


It isnt hard to find the proof that you are after. Find it yourself.

But the coder has the legal copyright of everything they code. The retain all of their rights even if they sell it. Only reason they might lose some of their rights, is if a right is described in length, in the sale or contract, and that right is given up by the coder, and of course, is signed. However, in most of the posts on this site, they only question the legal rights, after they find that someone has downloaded and copied their code. But that means that their code was already published and in the public domain. The original coder has right to that code, however, because it is in public domain, they cant stop another coder from using it, or even selling it. Once anything is in public domain, it is owned by that person who has saved that code onto their computer. Legal rights does not have any positive effects such as denying a copier or pirater to stop using that code, which is the main reason for coders who whinge on the website about someone who is using their code. There is a good reason that Germany and China have all of their state secrets "secret". And due to their success at keeping their secrets, they have products that are not able to be copied, because they have such good security. If a coder is not able to secure their stuff, then they are to blame for that lack of security. There is 0 laws prohibiting a private citizen from using or copying any product that is in the public domain. in fact, there are laws protecting joe blow from big companies who want to take joe blow to court for watching a free dvd. no different and the same copyright laws to what we are discussing.

Once the orignal coder has proven in court that they are the original coder and have part or full legal rights to the code that another coder has been selling licences for, they, the original coder can sue the 2nd coder or seller for money, but since the code is already saved on the 2nd coders computer, there is nothing to stop the coder from modifying the code again and selling that 3rd generation code as their own again. There are many many court cases and judges statements in the online law websites in the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada that you can find by doing a search of the web and/or legal departments in many universities around the world. If you can not find out the proof you are after, then, HIRE A LAWYER. many of those provide free 1st time consultations.
I started this thread primarily for those who have a copyright to show off, basically. If you don't see anyone ever having a copyright then what is the use in stating a copyright on anything? As for my research, an intent to copyright a non-copyrightable medium is no intent at all. Sure we can say someone created something but without an agreement by legal standards there is likely no such proof. Consider how much hearsay you get from a topic like this as to what the laws in your jurisdiction actually says about copyright holders for metaquotes codes and I think a greater majority will state false narratives than anything truthful and accurate. I am attempting to copyright all my codes and I'll let you know how it goes, okay? 🙄🤞
Brian Lillard #:
I started this thread primarily for those who have a copyright to show off, basically. If you don't see anyone ever having a copyright then what is the use in stating a copyright on anything? As for my research, an intent to copyright a non-copyrightable medium is no intent at all. Sure we can say someone created something but without an agreement by legal standards there is likely no such proof. Consider how much hearsay you get from a topic like this as to what the laws in your jurisdiction actually says about copyright holders for metaquotes codes and I think a greater majority will state false narratives than anything truthful and accurate. I am attempting to copyright all my codes and I'll let you know how it goes, okay? 🙄🤞

like i said, hire a lawyer. I doubt that you will get anyone to state their copyright, because if they do, then, an unscrupulous vendor/seller/coder will have someone to target, right? As for copyrighting your codes, it isnt hard to prove that you are the original coder of something if you keep notes and snippets of your code during early development, as you should. And "hearsay". Where? where? haha. There's no need to take anyones word for it. If you are serious about the subject, and do want to copyright your codes, then, search the web. There are many online and offline companies that specialise in all of this. They will tell you what you need to show and what or if you need to keep different sorts of records and older versions of your stuff to show proof of codership. Continue asking on mql5 and you will never get your stuff copyrighted. Get off your arse or pull your finger out haha and go ask a lawyer or go to a "bricks and mortar" place that does coding/programming and they will tell you all you want to know. making posts here is only wasting your own time.

you can continue thinking about your copyright issue while most people are thinking how to invest and earn~ don't stop until you figure it out ~

I doubt that in developing there is a sense to debate on copyright... copylefted software is of greater value for the development...

and many traders prefer trading according their own views, not somebody's copyrighted EAs... and the logics in your EA  have no right to be copyrighted -- logics can not belong only to you... the programming code can more resemble educational examples or just a piece of somebody' TS (you usually do not care about bricks copyright to build the house or topic copyright you are thinking to include in your views) - it is the Informational Product - and MetaQuotes let it be such ("all rights of published materials belongs to MetaQuotes"), - you are not in mass media when coding if you want to trade your copyright, your codes represents just the example of language using - your own view (real' trader's view is much broader, your piece of information can be just a particle of sand in a big world)

-- will you loose the time to care about your copyright ? (if your code is not the Work Of Art) ? or will you let your product be copy-lefted ? - to serve for educational, development purposes & let users to point your copyright themselves?...

I think it's up to you IF to consider your code to be the world's value -- the prove of your copyright get sense only if it is such and you'd like to get any recognition OR as your dealer's label like advertisement OR your lawers are ready to defend your label (not to allow any counterfeit), but I think in coding & development there is no place for counterfeit...

(if your product at least has the Name, then copyright will not add much to it)) ... copyright exists only for marketing purposes, and it should be defended if it exists (otherwise no sense)
agreed 1000% however many coders, believe that copyright will give their product more security, as well as marketing value, which is mostly a myth; they dont realise how many patents and copyrights are filed that are not worth a cent due to their "generic nature" of the idea behind the product, therefore any patent or copyright is as you describe, and only considered value, as they say "in the eye of the beholder".

Surely you can get a good reputation of trading in the forex trading in a strategy you created for yourself but in the world of copyright and patent there is competition. Perhaps after you can get to a place where you want to share your methods of trading you see that there are others who are already aware of that particular strategy and it cannot be a good reputation to be a copycat. A good reputation, to get any chance of a legal agreement, for the trading strategy is where it comes from the idea that no one else has it or even had produced a copyrightable work and had released rights to copyrightable work to the potential copyright holder. So you see maybe we should have a good reputation by the trading strategy never being shared but that doesn't mean it hasn't been done before. The application of the copyright is a ownership and the agreement with legal authority and it will have competition allowances but if it is only protected only by name and the copycat only changed the name then you should already know that the code was not protected right? Who can own all those strategies that we know of? If there is competition rights then are there no knock-offs? Did they did own it? Would they be entitled to all your profit if you used those strategies? People don't think much to resell what they found online and never fear any legal reprocussion because it was not protected by law. Anyway copyright told me I was better off trying to get a patent for an expert advisor but that means the code is available to the public. 👍 Shows how much they know 👍 And real software is much different to begin with but any legal authority of just trading strategy is where we are going to have the real problem of reputation. 😜

See what you can make out with this handout I was given for potential copyright registration

just because you have copyright does not stop someone from reselling your code or copying your code. having copyright does not make it more secure, nor does it protect you or your code. What result are you trying to achieve? If you want to get more protection for your code or strategy, then having copyright will NOT achieve that. Businesses get copyright so that they can prove that they have ownership, however, that does not mean that they can sue someone for selling that same thing. As Jee ci said, copyright is for primarily for marketing purposes. By having copyright, that tells prospective customers that you sell "this". It is true that having copyright you may have a 20 year copyright term, however, unless you also have a patent, then anyone could put a new name on the same product and get a copyright for that "new" item, even if the code is 100% the same, the new code has a new name, which means that it is not the same as the item with the legit copyright. Holding copyright does NOT protect your code. How many ways do you want me to say it?
Brian Lillard # :

 Anyway copyright told me I was better off trying to get a patent for an expert advisor ...

well, you are mixing very different things - naming, trademark, branding, authorship & all together (even recognition)... patent & authorship are not the same!.. any book-writer is not getting patent... the same the code-writer is not inventing something (when he writes his codes)... the patent is given for real (standardized) input into the world's science achievements...

as well you're mixing "trading strategy" & "the code of EA" - but first includes human trader's psychology, understanding of the market conjucture, his time-management & money-management etc. and the second - is just the tool for his working activity...

if you need any paper to know that you're better - write it to yourself...

only if you want to trade your copyright (as well you have some obligations!!) - you have the sense to make it legitimate & to spent time for it - either you want to sell it (e.g. to mass media) further or to use it as your own non-material resource... but if the only return from your time & money invested is to know that you're better, you will not have a profit from your actions about proving your copyright...

copyright in the market is for the recognition as well, but in order it could serve to this purpose - you need to provide any advertisement (again time & money costs) in order to have at least non-material value from it - e.g. increasing your own sales, not somebody's... but you will also need your stuff to get any complains from users & hold conversation with a society - to keep your reputation...

- it is how you can use your copyright,

but in its essence - the copyright is about mass media & your responsibility in front of the society in which you are distributing your edition (code is the written product)..

// not only recognition ... and not any invention of any trading-system & not of public value (but just as your viewpoint)

do you own the rights legally?
do you own the rights legally?
  • 2021.08.27
I never really cared until I heard so many like cruel and selfish fellows talk about this subject without any proof...