What is the counterpart to the ObjectName function? - page 3

Alain Verleyen:

You don't need an index or whatever to "keep track of the X/Y coordinates of multiple OBJ_RECTANGLE" ? That's not even a use case. An OBJ_RECTANGLE is using time/price coordinates, so what is the real use case ? When you have the name of an object just use the appropriate functions to get the object data you want.

Anyway, it's trivial to get the coordinates of an object, no need for an "index", it's trivial to get the coordinates of the mouse. And so it's trivial to check the mouse is inside an object. And that's right mql5/MT5 will not do it for you, you have to code it, that's what I called "live with reality" instead of being sarcastic about what the platform don't provide and will never provide.

Alain, incorrect again, tracking the mouse pointer coordinates to see if they are over a visible object on the chart is indeed a use case. Otherwise, please define what your idea of a "use case" is and I'll be happy to give you one. They're obvious and easy.

I asked you to show HOW you would detect if the mouse pointer is over a visible chart object -- precisely because "An OBJ_RECTANGLE is using time/price coordinates."  You did not do that. Telling me it's "trivial" is known as a nonresponse, "a refusal or failure to respond". https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nonresponse. It's uninformative. Maybe you know something I don't. You make claims about your knowledge -- why won't you reveal your knowledge?

I know how I'm doing it. I wanted to see how you would do it. Obviously, then, either you won't or can't explain how.

Besides, if it's so trivial, then it should take nothing at all to whip together the steps you'd use to do it. Why won't you? 

" instead of being sarcastic about what the platform don't provide and will never provide"

Thanks for confirming that you are not reacting to my factual statements, you are reacting to my tone. More precisely, you are reacting to your own misread of my tone. I was not being sarcastic anywhere. I was not being rhetorical. Nor was I trying to hide my criticism of MQL. I was sincere throughout. I said exactly what I meant. And with "the platform don't provide and will never provide" you also confirmed ample cause for criticism and ample justification for me to call that very lack of provision a "deficit".

All this is actually very funny, because MQL provides exactly the kind of function for charts that I've pointed out it "don't provide and will never provide" for objects.

I assume you're familiar with the ChartID() function.

Why in the name of all that's intelligent would there be a ChartID() function but no ObjectID() function? They serve exactly the same purpose.

What's more, all of this would be moot if MQL enabled arrays to be accessed using string indexes. But that's also functionality, I'm sure, it "don't provide and will never provide".

And that just now was the first time in this thread that I have been sarcastic. You have given me ample reason to.

What's more, my original question to you stands ignored, let alone answered. Here it is one more time.

"So how am I supposed to know when the mouse pointer is hovering over one of the objects I've created on a chart?"

Good to know it's trivial tho, lol.

Definition of NONRESPONSE
Definition of NONRESPONSE
  • www.merriam-webster.com
a refusal or failure to respond : lack of response; an empty or unsatisfactory response… See the full definition
This thread is a little funny.
Lets say the use case is detecting a mouse hover over a visible object.

So, how is it related to keeping bogus track of indexes inside the program of the objects the program itself created and thus knows their names? While even a correct index won't help you to solve the use case, how can a wrong index which you insist keeping help you do so?

I assume you're familiar with the ChartID() function.

Why in the name of all that's intelligent would there be a ChartID() function but no ObjectID() function? They serve exactly the same purpose.

Because the ChartID() returns the id of the current chart, the one your program runs on. In charts, the id serves the same role as the name in objects. Those are the unique keys. And there is no meaning for 'current object', and even if there was, the equivalent would be 'ObjectName()' because the name is the objects key

Amir Yacoby:
What exactly is the problem that you look a solution for?
Getting an x/y coordinate of an object you created and thus you have its name? Easy. No need for index at all. 
The mql5 functions that gives you that data, don't need any index. Just the name of the object. So where is the problem you are trying to solve?

P.S. And you have the array.
Just instead of defining it in your program, which is bogus because the real list changes and objects get deleted and new ones inserted, so instead of writing:

MyObject[i]  in order to get the name

You just write

With the name you can get all the info about the object, including x/y. No need for index or anything else.

Amir, I've already said plenty that answers your questions here. In a nutshell, none of the algorithms in question need the object's name, and yes I know how to get it. In fact, to keep functions as independent from each other as possible and as generally useful as possible, I do not want them to know an object's name.

So let's say, for an OBJ_RECTANGLE,  I have figured out the X/Y coordinates of its upper left and lower right corner as it appears on a chart. MQL does not provide these. As Alain so astutely pointed out, I need to figure that out in my own code. So I did. Every time I create an object (now that I have my own list of object names and know what their indexes are) I can add an element to an array that holds the X and Y coordinate for top left and bottom right corners, giving me everything I need to be able to calculate geometry for that rectangle. Where am I going to put it? In an array, of course. Let's say I use a 3D array with range 0 as the object ID dimension, range 1 as the  X/Y coordinate dimension, and range 2 as the top-left/bottom-right dimension. I might write the following, where ciXidx is a constant = 0 and  ciYidx is a constant = 1: 

void IndexRectCorners(int piObjID,int piX,int piY,int piCornerID)
   iRectCorner[piObjID,ciXidx,piCornerID] = piX;
   iRectCorner[piObjID,ciYidx,piCornerID] = piY;

Then I'd call it once for the top left corner (TLC) and once for the bottom right corner (BRC):

IndexRectCorners(iObjID,iXvalue,iYvalue,ciTLC );             // where ciTLC is constant = 0
IndexRectCorners(iObjID,iXvalue,iYvalue,ciBRC);             // where ciBRC is constant = 1

Now I have all the data I need to calculate geometry for the object identified by iObjID stored in iRectCorner[][2][2]. Or, so save memory space (if that's a concern) I could store that same information in 4 1-D arrays, one for X, one for Y, on for TLC and one for BRC, all like indexed by the same iObjID value. If and when I need the name I can get it. If and when I don't need it, I'm not forced to use it to get the object's unique numeric ID.

This way I can use the IndexRectCorners() function and the iRectCorner array (or the four 1-D arrays I mentioned) for a single, specific object or to loop through the entire list of objects on the chart without having to know their names at all. I can logically link other relevant arrays using the object's iObjID. 

I have amply responded to your questions, so I'll ask my question to you (which so far you have ignored) one more time (see my reply to you above):

"Q-1: No, the index values are not "only used" to get object names. If I collect data about objects that would mean (simplest case) an array which by definition involves one index per dimension. How do you propose you'd know which object the 2nd element of that array refers to?"

Millard Melnyk:

Amir, I've already said plenty that answers your questions here. In a nutshell, none of the algorithms in question need the object's name, and yes I know how to get it. In fact, to keep functions as independent from each other as possible and as generally useful as possible, I do not want them to know an object's name.

So let's say, for an OBJ_RECTANGLE,  I have figured out the X/Y coordinates of its upper left and lower right corner as it appears on a chart. MQL does not provide these. As Alain so astutely pointed out, I need to figure that out in my own code. So I did. Every time I create an object (now that I have my own list of object names and know what their indexes are) I can add an element to an array that holds the X and Y coordinate for top left and bottom right corners, giving me everything I need to be able to calculate geometry for that rectangle. Where am I going to put it? In an array, of course. Let's say I use a 2D array with range 0 as the X/Y coordinate dimension and range 1 as the top-left/bottom-right dimension. I might write the following, where ciXidx is a constant = 0 and  ciYidx is a constant = 1: 

Then I'd call it once for the top left corner (TLC) and once for the bottom right corner (BRC):

Now I have all the data I need to calculate geometry for the object identified by iObjID stored in iRectCorner[][][]. Or, so save memory space (if that's a concern) I could store that same information in 4 1-D arrays, one for X, one for Y, on for TLC and one for BRC, all like indexed by the same iObjID value. If and when I need the name I can get it. If and when I don't need it, I'm not forced to use it to get the object's unique numeric ID.

This way I can use the IndexRectCorners() function and the iRectCorner[][][] array (or the four 1-D arrays I mentioned) for a single, specific object or to loop through the entire list of objects on the chart without having to know their names at all. I can logically link other relevant arrays using the object's iObjID. 

I have amply responded to your questions, so I'll ask my question to you (which so far you have ignored) one more time (see my reply to you above):

"Q-1: No, the index values are not "only used" to get object names. If I collect data about objects that would mean (simplest case) an array which by definition involves one index per dimension. How do you propose you'd know which object the 2nd element of that array refers to?"

I suggest that you better read or look for solutions to what you think are problems, because they are not. Maybe you did not quite get the whole concept of the evironment in which mql5 lives and interacts with. If I understand you rightly, you keep x and y coordinates in an array. Now what if a user comes and moves your object manuly or another program does it? What about your array?

We have an other troll here.

Alain Verleyen:

We have an other troll here.

Seems ao
Amir Yacoby:
I suggest that you better read or look for solutions to what you think are problems, because they are not. Maybe you did not quite get the whole concept of the evironment in which mql5 lives and interacts with. If I understand you rightly, you keep x and y coordinates in an array. Now what if a user comes and moves your object manuly or another program does it? What about your array?

Sorry man, asked and answered more than once. Please read what I wrote.

Alain Verleyen:

We have an other troll here.

The fact that you refused to respond to legitimate, reasonable requests from me makes me a troll?

LMAO man, you're funny.


I'm no troll, especially not just because you call me one. But that's neither here nor there.

I won't respond further on this thread, I got all I could from it. Let's move on.