Is there a way to direct the compiler to skip optimization steps?


Moving my code to MQL5, there's one thing I'm really missing: MQL4's speedy compilations. 

When I'm in development/debugging/initial testing stages, I couldn't care less about runtime performance. I'll get to performance issues after I get the dang thing to work lol.

Although I'm looking forward to speedy execution once my code is stable, is there any way to skip the lengthy compilations and use some kind of "good-nuff" mode while I'm shaking out da bugs?

Millard Melnyk:

Moving my code to MQL5, there's one thing I'm really missing: MQL4's speedy compilations. 

When I'm in development/debugging/initial testing stages, I couldn't care less about runtime performance. I'll get to performance issues after I get the dang thing to work lol.

Although I'm looking forward to speedy execution once my code is stable, is there any way to skip the lengthy compilations and use some kind of "good-nuff" mode while I'm shaking out da bugs?

Stumbled onto the answer. 

The magic secret is: don't compile. 😁

I don't remember MQL4 working this way, but for a nice quick code compile without the lengthy optimization processing, just make coding changes and then hit F5. Sweet!


mql5 execution speed can be 10 times faster, maybe more sometimes, this as a cost.

If you want to disable compiler optimization you can use a MetaEditor project, there you will have the option to enable/disable it. There is no more general setting about it.

There are also some tricks possible using debug or profile mode.