Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality - page 3

We recommend that Sellers revise their product descriptions in all languages and make the relevant changes. We also recommend adding product descriptions in all languages available in the The availability of information in different languages spoken by your potential customers increases your product ratings.

You said that descriptions in all languages will be better for the rating. Ok i have tried it and check it out. i added russian language description and now rating is from 300 to 500. Why? so it is not good to make more languages as i see. 

Raphael Schwietering #:
We recommend that Sellers revise their product descriptions in all languages and make the relevant changes. We also recommend adding product descriptions in all languages available in the The availability of information in different languages spoken by your potential customers increases your product ratings.

You said that descriptions in all languages will be better for the rating. Ok i have tried it and check it out. i added russian language description and now rating is from 300 to 500. Why? so it is not good to make more languages as i see. 

Unfortunately, I've already given up on MQL. They are arrogant to analyze the information given, lack a bit of acumen to create a paid ad system. The ranking system is a fantastic idea, but it doesn't work, I looked now at the first page and there are products there without being within the rules, without sales or positive comments. The search engine is also very poor not favoring those who are further behind in the rankings. The only way is to look for another sell channel.

Roberto Sant Ana Junqueira #:

Unfortunately, I've already given up on MQL. They are arrogant to analyze the information given, lack a bit of acumen to create a paid ad system. The ranking system is a fantastic idea, but it doesn't work, I looked now at the first page and there are products there without being within the rules, without sales or positive comments. The search engine is also very poor not favoring those who are further behind in the rankings. The only way is to look for another sell channel.

and there is no sell channel outside.


Hello, moderators.

Could someone tells me what is wrong with my products descriptions, please?

I have been working for the last two weeks to change the descriptions according to the website's new rules, but I cannot figure out what is wrong. I did everything mentioned and I checked out twice:

  • I delete any emoji or special character.
  • I made sure that all the links in the descriptions lead to blogs or pages inside MQL5.
  • I deleted all unnecessary warnings blocks.
  • I made sure that the bold style is not used except in titles.
  • I used the "Clear Style" button and re-wrote the descriptions.

After all that, 8 out of my 13 products are rated with the red marks. So, I need somebody to tell me what is wrong with my description.

You might think that my rating is high but, that is not true because when any product got a red shadow it is out of the suggested products to the buyers. Also, it won’t be suggested to the buyers in the MQL5 emails list. So, high ranking plus red shadow does not mean selling.



Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality 

Soon descriptions will also be assessed based on HTML code quality

Another aspect which we plan to evaluate in the future is the quality of the source HTML code of product descriptions. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with HTML. Descriptions written and formatted directly on the site have proper HTML formatting. Usually, issues occur with descriptions pasted from third-party editors, such as Microsoft Word. To fix the formatting of such text, use the 'Clear Styles' option in the editor:

To remove unnecessary formatting markup symbols, select "Clear Styles" in the editor

After that, format the description using standard editor functions. This will produce an acceptable HTML code, which can be viewed by select "HTML" in the editor panel.

You can find a lot of other code styling services on the web by typing 'HTML formatting' in a search query. Such services find errors, remove unnecessary elements and structure the code, making it pretty and readable.

Muhammad Elbermawi #:

Hello, moderators.

Could someone tells me what is wrong with my products descriptions, please?

I have been working for the last two weeks to change the descriptions according to the website's new rules, but I cannot figure out what is wrong. I did everything mentioned and I checked out twice:

  • I delete any emoji or special character.
  • I made sure that all the links in the descriptions lead to blogs or pages inside MQL5.
  • I deleted all unnecessary warnings blocks.
  • I made sure that the bold style is not used except in titles.
  • I used the "Clear Style" button and re-wrote the descriptions.
After all that, 8 out of my 13 products are rated with the red marks. So, I need somebody to tell me what is wrong with my description.

You might think that my rating is high but, that is not true because when any product got a red shadow it is out of the suggested products to the buyers. Also, it won’t be suggested to the buyers in the MQL5 emails list. So, high ranking plus red shadow does not mean selling.

Please read all the rules.

Lists should only be used for clear enumerations. In all other cases use plain text.

80% of your text is formatted as lists.

Alexey Petrov #:

Please read all the rules.

80% of your text is formatted as lists.

Thanks, Alexey. I appreciate your help.

I will try to decrease the number of lists & I will add more languages.

Muhammad Elbermawi #:

Thanks, Alexey. I appreciate your help.

I will try to decrease the number of lists & I will add more languages.

In all honesty, I feel whatever algo they are using is still in developmental stage, it might go either way, one of my product went from 40 something to about 150 something, on checking it the next day, it was displaying 8000 something, like what changed?


We have updated Market rules regarding product descriptions more than two months ago. Sellers have had enough time to correct their product descriptions:

What ever algo is being used to rank products it is still not working correctly...  how can my products go from an early position (less than 200) one day to 1000s of positions lower the next for no reason?  The descriptions etc are all compliant and have been for a long time it just doesn't make any sense...

Paul Anscombe #:

What ever algo is being used to rank products it is still not working correctly...  how can my products go from an early position (less than 200) one day to 1000s of positions lower the next for no reason?  The descriptions etc are all compliant and have been for a long time it just doesn't make any sense...

I have exactly the same problem. Given up now.