If there is a posted job for decompiling?

So ok my main question is if someone doesn't know the rules of the website and post a job for decompiling and if I connect and xplain him that decompiling is wront illigal and I create an EA after job requirments file also says so did I break any rule to be banned ?
Nikolay Georgiev: So ok my main question is if someone doesn't know the rules of the website and post a job for decompiling and if I connect and xplain him that decompiling is wront illigal and I create an EA after job requirments file also says so did I break any rule to be banned ?
I would suggest that you stay away from that job and don't connect with the customer at all. Admin has banned people for less and they do so on a whim without any clear rules. So, I would suggest you not risk such a situation.
I already did and I am now banned, but I think it is unfair and still wait for the support to reconsider. I mean they took a lot commisions from me working here and they should one more time check
Nikolay Georgiev:
I already did and I am now banned, but I think it is unfair and still wait for the support to reconsider. I mean they took a lot commisions from me working here and they should one more time check

Seems you are not banned.

It's not your role to talk to people asking for decompilation.

Nikolay Georgiev:
So ok my main question is if someone doesn't know the rules of the website and post a job for decompiling and if I connect and xplain him that decompiling is wront illigal and I create an EA after job requirments file also says so did I break any rule to be banned ?

Seriously ? It's like saying "if someone doesn't know you cannot steal other people's property".

First of all I am honest man and well thare are hundreds of ways to try go around the rules. It is more of a what kind of person you are. I never did and always stated to all clients that I got here that I want to follow all the rules of the website. I have been requsted different things but I got people to get me personal job like 10 times in a row. What I mean is I never tried to go around and even with this Freelance job I saw a man posting his first job on mql and I conected to tell him that decompiling is wrong and illeagan and so on. But he didn't know what he need and we agreed on something totally diferent than decompiling. I feel crazy good about myself all the ways but there are people who want to work with me only on the website... so wrong I can not do at least personal jobs and pay commision to the website :)
Nikolay Georgiev:
First of all I am honest man and well thare are hundreds of ways to try go around the rules. It is more of a what kind of person you are. I never did and always stated to all clients that I got here that I want to follow all the rules of the website. I have been requsted different things but I got people to get me personal job like 10 times in a row. What I mean is I never tried to go around and even with this Freelance job I saw a man posting his first job on mql and I conected to tell him that decompiling is wrong and illeagan and so on. But he didn't know what he need and we agreed on something totally diferent than decompiling. I feel crazy good about myself all the ways but there are people who want to work with me only on the website... so wrong I can not do at least personal jobs and pay commision to the website :)
Sorry about that, but you need to talk to Metaquotes, no one in the forum can help you.