Suggestion: Add a parameter to the Comment() function to be in fixed font


The Comment () function is very practical but unfortunately it uses a proportional font which does not allow formatting text.

Without going into a gas factory of choice of font, size of characters and colors, why MetaQuotes would not simply add a Boolean parameter with the value False by default (not to impact all the codes already written) to simply be able to indicate that you want to use a fixed font (non proportional).

It would remain simple and practical while allowing for more elaborate layouts with this very practical command.

Laurent Soudron:

The Comment () function is very practical but unfortunately it uses a proportional font which does not allow formatting text.

Without going into a gas factory of choice of font, size of characters and colors, why MetaQuotes would not simply add a Boolean parameter with the value False by default (not to impact all the codes already written) to simply be able to indicate that you want to use a fixed font (non proportional).

It would remain simple and practical while allowing for more elaborate layouts with this very practical command.

That's years it has been asked to Metaquotes. No idea why they don't do it.
Alain Verleyen :
That's years it has been asked to Metaquotes. No idea why they don't do it.

I know Alain, but that doesn't stop asking again.

Hopefully, they might add this requested feature in a future release.

We could easily display tables and make more complex presentations very easily.

While being much easier and lighter than having to create labels, etc ...