MT4 on M1 Mac?

Hey everyone,

Anyone here using an M1 Mac with MT4? 

I currently have an intel 16" Macbook Pro, and MT4 works just fine using the ready-made package.

Interested in buying an M1 Mac but would just like to hear some input first from other people.

So, if you are using MT4 with an M1 Mac, does it work well?

Do you have 8gb or 16gb ram?

Thanks a ton,


Hey everyone,

Anyone here using an M1 Mac with MT4? 

I currently have an intel 16" Macbook Pro, and MT4 works just fine using the ready-made package.

Interested in buying an M1 Mac but would just like to hear some input first from other people.

So, if you are using MT4 with an M1 Mac, does it work well?

Do you have 8gb or 16gb ram?

Thanks a ton,


Mt4 for MacOS is build over Wine Emulator platform.

I suggest you check the official Wine forum or Wine group on Github, and verify with them, if Wine works fine on M1 Macs.

If Wine is fine on M1, then MT4 will also run fine.

I hope my answer can help you somehow on this way.