Harsh ban without warning - page 2

Sergey Golubev:
I lifted your ban - you are unbanned for now (I took my own responsibility to lift this banning, and I reported about it to the other moderators,
and I hope they agree with it too).

But you may contact with the service desk about your this second username as Eleni suggested on the post above.

Congrats Sergey.

I think if he is un-banned, he is better to not use his second account anymore to avoid to be banned a second time for an other reason 

Alain Verleyen:

Congrats Sergey.

I think if he is un-banned, he is better to not use his second account anymore to avoid to be banned a second time for an other reason 

That's true...

Sergey Golubev:
I lifted your ban - you are unbanned for now (I took my own responsibility to lift this banning, and I reported about it to the other moderators,
and I hope they agree with it too).

But you may contact with the service desk about your this second username as Eleni suggested on the post above.

Thank you ,there was no spam intent originally .
So my account is as it were ? 

Meaning i can upload products etc ?

I suppose if i check from this ip i will receive another ban too ,makes sense.

The right course of action would be to log out of this account , change ip , log into the original account , contact the service desk for deleting this username ? (or requesting it in the Russian section prior to logging out ?)

Thank you

Eleni Anna Branou:

That's true...

Alain Verleyen:

Congrats Sergey.

I think if he is un-banned, he is better to not use his second account anymore to avoid to be banned a second time for an other reason 

Yeah that makes sense ,i suspected that
Alain Verleyen:

Congrats Sergey.

I think if he is un-banned, he is better to not use his second account anymore to avoid to be banned a second time for an other reason 

It is the other meaning: if admins discover that some seller is having the second username so this seller may have the problems (the service desk will deeply look at him, at his selling, and more).
So, it is better to ask to delete the clone.
Sergey Golubev:
It is the other meaning: if admins discover that some seller is having the second username so this seller may have the problems (the service desk will deeply look at him, at his selling, and more).
So, it is better to ask to delete the clone.
I suppose me explaining everything to them in full detail wont cut it :)
I suppose me explaining everything to them in full detail wont cut it :)
  • if you are able to explain to them in very short way (in KISS way; KISS = Keep It Simple and Stupid) - it is ok;
  • if not so - keep is "as is"; means: keep your second userame but do not use it anymore/anywhere (especially because this thread will be deleted for example). means: do not make much attention to your personality because of some ban to the service desk (as Alain suggested). And it may be the decision too.
lorenzo_r: Thank you for taking the time to read it 
You are welcome, but all I can do is sympathise with your situation and how unfair it is.
Sergey Golubev:
  • if you are able to explain to them in very short way (in KISS way; KISS = Keep It Simple and Stupid) - it is ok;
  • if not so - keep is "as is"; means: keep your second userame but do not use it anymore/anywhere (especially because this thread will be deleted for example). means: do not make much attention to your personally because of some ban to the service desk (as Alain was suggested). And it may be the decision too.

Okay , understood .

I will send a message to service desk requesting account deletion (this one)

And i will post on the relevant Russian Forum thread for account deletions as well

Then i will send a contact form request -from the form that will now work - on the other profile telling them you resolved the issue

Thank you very much.

Fernando Carreiro:
You are welcome, but all I can do is sympathise with your situation and how unfair it is.
Theres a lot of improvements that can be done on this website . A lot of potential ,we can hope someone sees it and grabs it .
Thank you :)