Max Global Variables


Is there is maximum for Global Variables, if yes how many?

I mean the Global Variables in the terminal which you open with "F3 Key" not global varibales in a script.


Don't think there is any.

But since the purpose of them is to communicate between multiple scripts (EAs and indicators) and a poor man's persistent storage (global variables w/flush), why do you think you need a lot?

William Roeder:

Don't think there is any.

But since the purpose of them is to communicate between multiple scripts (EAs and indicators) and a poor man's persistent storage (global variables w/flush), why do you think you need a lot?

for example if you have many charts open and you want to comunnicate with all charts collect data from them all and if this data is not data which you can read with icustom or other way, then you can save them for example in global variables or in textfiles or database and so on