is there any problem if i login from another country

Hi, Recently I shared my account with my cousin brothers to checkout EA for me. So is that a problem or violate any TOC or chance to get banned?
Hi, Recently I shared my account with my cousin brothers to checkout EA for me. So is that a problem or violate any TOC or chance to get banned?

I don't think there is a problem.

Eleni Anna Branou:

I don't think there is a problem.

Ok Thank you. I can see a notification and unable to purchases.

Financial operations are limited. Please contact our technical support team


Ok Thank you. I can see a notification and unable to purchases.

Financial operations are limited. Please contact our technical support team

Contact the Service Desk for that, we can't help you here: 

Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Off Topic Posts".
Eleni Anna Branou:

Contact the Service Desk for that, we can't help you here: 

Did already. Thank you