HELP!! How to make EA stop and Starts


I'm trying to make an EA to

  • only trigger when there's a Sell signal and will trade for the amount of candle sticks required.
  • stops trading after the number of candle stick has been reached
  • Wait till there's a buy signal
  • Triggers once there's a new sell signal

I was able to get the EA trigger on sell signal and stops once the number of candle sticks are met, but I can't get it to trigger again after the new sell signal. 

#include <Trade\Trade.mqh>

CTrade trade;

input double duration                        =10; //Number of Candle sticks 
input double Lot_Size                       = 0.2; // Lot size
input int Stop_Loss                         = 20;  //Stop Loss
input int Take_Profit                       = 80; //Take Profit

int sellCheck = 0;
int check = 0;
int strp =0;
int candleCounter =0;

int OnInit()
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
      //double Ask= NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_ASK),_Digits);
      double Bid= NormalizeDouble(SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_BID),_Digits);

      string signal ="";
      MqlRates PriceArray[];
      int Data = CopyRates(Symbol(),Period(),0,3,PriceArray); 
      double mySARArray[];
      int SARDefinition =iSAR(Symbol(),Period(),0.02,0.2);
      double LastSARValue = NormalizeDouble(mySARArray[1],5);
      if(LastSARValue <PriceArray[1].low)
         sellCheck= 0;

      // check = check + 1; //Increment the check control
      if(LastSARValue > PriceArray[1].high)
      signal ="sell";
       if(signal=="sell" && PositionsTotal() <5 )
            trade.Sell(Lot_Size,NULL,Bid,(Bid+(Stop_Loss*1000 ) *_Point),(Bid-(Take_Profit*1000 ) *_Point),NULL);
         sellCheck = sellCheck + 1;
      Comment("The Signal is :", signal);  

 void CalculateCandle()
   MqlRates priceData[]; //Create Price Array
      //Sort the array from the current candle downwards
      //copy candle price for 3 candles into array
      CopyRates(_Symbol, _Period,0,3,priceData);
      //Create a counter for the candle
      static int candleCounter;
      //Create Datetime Variable for the last time stamp
      static datetime timeStampLastCheck;
      //Variable for current candle
      datetime timeStampCurrentCandle;
       //Read the time stamp of current candle in array 
       timeStampCurrentCandle = priceData[0].time;
       //if the current time stamp is different from the last time 
       if(timeStampCurrentCandle!= timeStampLastCheck)
            //Remember the Candle time stamp for later
            timeStampLastCheck = timeStampCurrentCandle;
            //Increment the candleCounter
            candleCounter = candleCounter +1;
      if(candleCounter == duration )
          candleCounter = 1;
 void ClosePosition()
   for(int i=PositionsTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
     int ticket= PositionGetTicket(i);
     //Get Position Direction
     int PositionDirection=PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE);
