URGENT HELP needed if anyone can show me how. TQ. Pop-up window is truncated, doesn't fully show info contents and not draggable to allow expanding the size.


Hi everyone,

I need some urgent assistance to an issue I'm experiencing. I had just bought an EA and needed to register my full name to enable license code activation from the seller. I was told to screenshoot the pop-up window that says "No license! Send Registration name to..." for seller to program my full name for the EA. 

The problem I encountered was that the pop-up window appeared BUT the top portion where my name was to be shown is truncated. This pop-up window isn't showing the full extent of the info contents within the boundary of the pop-up window. Usually, one can move the cursor to the sides of the pop-up window and drag the draggable icon to enlarge the window so that the full info contents (in this case my full name) can be seen. But on my MacBook Pro running MT4 platform for Mac which opens as a .dmg file everything else has no issues. Flawless and seamless running of the software on WINE tech.

The only issue now is this pop-up window is being truncated and I am at a loss as to how I'm able to expand it fully to show my full details. Anyone here in the Community has answers and a solution, please? It would be much much appreciated 🙏. TQ...

p/s. attached below 👇🏻 is an image of what I'm referring to



Seems, you bought some commercial EA from some other website.
In this case - ask the authors/sellers to support you about it.


Discussion about any commercial tools is prohibited on the forum.

Sergey Golubev:

Seems, you bought some commercial EA from some other website.
In this case - ask the authors/sellers to support you about it.


Discussion about any commercial tools is prohibited on the forum.

Oh... ok Sergey. The seller/author had asked me for the screenshot of the pop-up window so that he knows exactly what is stated and can register my full name details into his EA. Is there any other way to get this info to him? How about the Navigator window on the left that shows my registered name with the Brokers'. That is the correct registered name that he requires, I suppose?

Oh... So sorry. I just read your reply further down and noticed that.

Apologies 🙏 about this as I wasn't aware discussion about any commercial tools is prohibited on the forum. I shall not say much more. Thanks for the heads up. I shall leave it as such. Cheers


Maybe you see something in the tab Experts.

if not, try to change the resolution and restart mt4 maybe it helps