Warning ... possible use of uninitialized variable 'trendStrength' which is an enum variable


Hi Friends

I have defined an enum_TREND_STRENGTH and defining a variable of this enum type 'trendStrength'.

    enum_TREND_STRENGTH trendStrength;

Since I have not initialize the variable, getting warning message: possible use of uninitialized variable 'trendStrength'.

How can I avoid this warning ?

Thanks for your guidance.

Anil Varma -I have defined an enum_TREND_STRENGTH and defining a variable of this enum type 'trendStrength'. Since I have not initialize the variable, getting warning message: possible use of uninitialized variable 'trendStrength'. How can I avoid this warning ?

You avoid it by obviously initializing it! Just set it to a default value by assigning it one of its enumerations;


ENUM_FRUIT myFruit = _ORANGE_; // Initialise the variable

However, make sure the problem is not in fact problems in your code logic that is not assigning a value in each case. Consider the warning a possible call to attention of problematic code.

Fernando Carreiro:

You avoid it by obviously initializing it! Just set it to a default value by assigning it one of its enumerations;

However, make sure the problem is not in fact problems in your code logic that is not assigning a value in each case. Consider the warning a possible call to attention of problematic code.

Sorry for late reply Fernando

Yeh it worked fine. Thanks a lot.

Anil Varma -: Sorry for late reply Fernando Yeh it worked fine. Thanks a lot.

You are welcome!