Trader do list to sirvarl in the madness emotion and stay fit.


It is harsh truth this isn't that fun to losing money or taking out after 3 days.

when i first started trading i wish i have someone told this before starting this:

---> Having the basic understanding of buy direction (bluish ) and sell Direction (bearish )

--->  Having the basic understanding of lots sizes and knowing how it can affect my trades.

--->  Having the basic understanding of how the system work: making sure i have know all the trading patterns, trend lines, Pull back, break-out phased, 3-point moves, shoulder-Head-shoulder, key levels  and re-testes level.

--> Have the basic understanding how to use Forexfactoryand calender's  news reportfrom MQL5and Xm platform, knowing how to watch-outor ride the trends. 

---> Control my Money by being patient;

  1. Give yourself time to adjust your critic thinking about: 20 to 45 min ( for 4 hours to daily  timeframe for drawing ), 5 min to 15 min (for 1s to 1 hours timeframe)
  2. set a benchmark to so that you are not below your performance This helps to build Discipline the wining rates for e.g for mine is 14 time table like this: my start of the trade i depied to this platform £9. i will try my best to over my first milestone £14. once i have achieve this i will go on the next level to reach £28 and more.
  3. How much i am willing to lose: on my trades size i will lose max £0.89 and  goal for each trade is £8.00.
  4. Getting the habit of placing your Stop loss over your profit it is called lock-in-trades in case of reverse trends. like boxing put your guard up you don't know the margin-call will ever be knocking on your system and make you feel the punch in the gut and feel ashamed. 
  5. Back- test on MQL5 system whatever you buy from.

Withdraw rules:

If you made £14 you have to follow the 50%

that will be £7  into your cards

£50 you have to follow 50%

that will be £25 into your cards

Don't be a cry baby: 

it is important you maintain your emotion when trading e.g; imagine you are the motorcclye and you somehow you crying this isn't safe on the road and you are in the bad condition more like to create accident in life like  more likely to run into another cars or lorries You may not be awaree of the edge of the road like jumping from the bridge or mountain or junction where cars in the way.  

The whole point is don't trade when you are under stress: 

---> You may enter the wrong trends.

---> May trying to fight the market and making a zero sum game.

--->Back of mind start to fantasizing a dream land of wealth and not putting effort in your craft. 

---> Breaking your device like laptop or screen making unable to use it which may cost arm and leg.

---> Staring at the screen too much and panic every candle movement.

---> Interruptions when ever you trade like appointment for wrong reason. 

---> Relaying on trading view but whishing luck, which is not realistic.

---> Don't random guessing or using baby or a dog to predict your future, that too isn't realistic.

--> Not giving yourself a day off for trading.

--> Don't tell your friend or family until the first week-ends,(Top tip because they may not trade with you to give you feedback sometime more like a Yes- man or woman thinking you star or starting to judge you on your egos.) the best thing show result rather than moon shots.)

---> Do not believe everything the BBC or cable tv news shows telling you or images to fill your emotion to their words (most of the time news is a noise and sometime hawkish and dovish from the truth commonly known as white lie).

---> Don't falls into traps  of scammers Artist  who has fail to meet your needs or cost arm and a leg to waste your time. (Be smart when spending!)

These are some of the things that most trader have experiences in.

Happy trading bless your heart.

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