forex market hours - page 2


RegionCityOpen (GMT)Close (GMT)Standard time zoneDaylight saving timeDST startsDST ended
AmericaNew York1:00 PM10:00 PMUTC/GMT -5 hours +1 hour Sunday, 13 March 2011, 02:00 local standard time Sunday, 6 November 2011, 02:00 local daylight time
Chicago2:00 PM11:00 PMUTC/GMT -6 hours +1 hour Sunday, 13 March 2011, 02:00 local standard time Sunday, 6 November 2011, 02:00 local daylight time
EuropeLondon8:00 AM5:00 PMNo UTC/GMT offset +1 hour Sunday, 27 March 2011, 01:00 local standard time Sunday, 30 October 2011, 02:00 local daylight time
Frankfurt7:00 AM4:00 PMUTC/GMT +1 hour +1 hour Sunday, 27 March 2011, 02:00 local standard time Sunday, 30 October 2011, 03:00 local daylight time
AsiaTokyomidnight9:00 AMUTC/GMT +9 hours +0 hourNo daylight saving time No daylight saving time 
Hong Kong1:00 AM10:00 AMUTC/GMT +8 hours +0 hourNo daylight saving time No daylight saving time 
PacificSydney10:00 PM7:00 AMUTC/GMT +10 hours +1 hour Sunday, 3 April 2011, 03:00 local daylight time Sunday, 2 October 2011, 02:00 local standard time
Wellington10:00 PM6:00 AMUTC/GMT +12 hours +1 hourSunday, 25 September 2011, 02:00 local standard timeSunday, 3 April 2011, 03:00 local daylight time


UTC/GMT +2 hours +1 hourSunday, 28 March 2011, 02:00Sunday, 30 October 2011, 03:00

According your tables, MetaQuotes-Demo server almost perfectly fits Open/Close time. The server is GMT+2. The earliest opening time is Sydney/Wellington 10 pm GMT Sunday, which is exactly 00:00 GMT+2 Monday. The closing time used is New York (instead of Chicago) 10 pm GMT Friday, but since Daylight Saving Time is now in effect in US, it's 9 pm GMT Friday, which is exactly 23:00 GMT+2 Friday.

For now, the Forex market opening time is 21:00 GMT Sunday in Sydney, 22:00 GMT Sunday in Wellington, and the closing time is 21:00 GMT Friday in New York. so the opening/closing time for Forex market should be 21:00/21:00 GMT. but it's different in MetaQuotes server.

It's very confusing.


For now, the Forex market opening time is 21:00 GMT Sunday in Sydney, 22:00 GMT Sunday in Wellington, and the closing time is 21:00 GMT Friday in New York. so the opening/closing time for Forex market should be 21:00/21:00 GMT. but it's different in MetaQuotes server.

It's very confusing.

Are you trying to confuse yourself :)? Your table states that Sydney's opening is 22:00 GMT Sunday - that's exactly 00:00 GMT+2 Monday - MetaQuotes current opening time.

It also states that New York close is at 22:00 GMT Friday (without DST) or 21:00 GMT Friday (with DST) - that's exactly 23:00 GMT+2 Friday with DST - MetaQuotes current close time.