Creating a signal after unsubscribed to a signal in the market



Is there a fix date for users to be able to create their own signal after unsubscribed to another signal in the market? (Same account)

I tried to make one but I saw a notification that said I couldn't. 

Dang Minh Tien: Is there a fix date for users to be able to create their own signal after unsubscribed to another signal in the market? (Same account) I tried to make one but I saw a notification that said I couldn't. 

I believe you will have to create a new account in order to start your own signal and will not be able to use an existing account that was previously subscribing to an existing signal, because that would be misleading.

Dang Minh Tien:


Is there a fix date for users to be able to create their own signal after unsubscribed to another signal in the market? (Same account)

I tried to make one but I saw a notification that said I couldn't. 

As Fernado already wrote, you can't create a signal with a trading account you've previously used to subscribe to another signal.

Start fresh with a new trading account.