Hi, I signed up for mkl5 VPS. It says it's connected, it shows the VPS address with a green arrow to the left below my account number. That looks fine, but the lower right corner doesn't show me VPS ping, but old ping. I wonder if this is normal and if I am connected to a VPS? thanks for the reply

You can look at MQL5 VPS journal/logs because everything is written in the MQL5 VPS (especially about the synchronization/migration which you provided from your home Metatrader to MQL5 VPS).
Sergey Golubev:
You can look at MQL5 VPS journal/logs because everything is written in the MQL5 VPS (especially about the synchronization/migration which you provided from your home Metatrader to MQL5 VPS).

You mean when you connect to VPS and below in messages / notifications.?


Bojan Djordjevic:

You mean when you connect to VPS and below in messages / notifications.?


After you made a synchronization/migration from your home Metatrader to MQL5 VPS so - everything is on MQL5 VPS (incl trading and incl ping).
Because MQL5 VPS is your an other Metatrader but in cloud.
So, check MQL5 VPS journal in case you want to monitor everything.
Сергеј Голубев : Након што сте извршили синхронизацију / миграцију са вашим кућним Метатрадер-а на МКЛ5 ВПС, тако да је све на МКЛ5 ВПС-у (укљчујући трчање и пинг). Јер МКЛ5 ВПС је ваш други Метатрадер, али у облаку. Дакле, проверите МКЛ5 ВПС дневник ако желите да све надгледате.

So when I connect, that ping doesn’t have to be down to the right, I’m definitely connected? And after I select, everything, signal expert, etc., Migration, I don't have to reconnect, because after a while it shows me again to choose between those three options and press Migration.

If you understand me, I’m new to all of this so it confuses me a bit. Thank you for taking the time for my problem. :)


If I understood you in correct way - you confused the ping in your local machine and ping in MQL5 VPS.
Because you can see the ping in MQL5 VPS in VPS journal only.
And ping in your loc al machine has nothing to do with anything (you can close your home Metatrader after sucessful synchronization/migration for example).

This is the general information about MQL5 VPS:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies


Sergey Golubev, 2018.11.24 18:01

VPS is the copy of your Metatrader in the cloud.
To make this copy of your Metatrader in cloud so you need to open chart (or charts) and attach your EA to the chart (or to the charts) to ready to trade.
After that - you make the migration: you are synchronizing your Metatrader with open charts with EA attached to the charts - with the copy of your Metatrader in the cloud.

Once you synchronized (once you sent everything to VPS) so you can close your pc (in you want): your EA will work on VPS (means: your EA will work on the copy of your Metatrader in cloud).

And all those actions (with possibe errors) are written in your VPS log files (you can check it inside your home Metatrader).


To make it shorter:

  • Your MQL5 VPS = your "2nd Metatrader in cloud". I mean: there is the cloud (somewhere). And there is "your second Metatrader" there ... this "second Metatrader in cloud" is empty ... you will need to provide migration/synchronize.
  • Migration = sending your EAs/indicators/open charts from your home Metatrader to MQL5 VPS (to "your Metatrader in cloud").
  • You can synchronize the settings/open charts/EAs/settings of your EAs/changing the settings of your EA/opened charts - from your home Metatrader with MQL5 VPS (with "your Metatrader in cloud"). You can synchronize many time (as many as you want).
  • Only open chart(s) with attached EA(s) can be migrated (can be synchronized) from your home Metatrader to MQL5 VPS (to "your Metatrader in cloud").
  • Your EA(s) will work on MQL5 VPS (on "your 2nd Metatrader in cloud"), and you can close your home Metatrader, or use your home Metatrader with the other trading account, or any.
  • Autotrading is always On in MQL5 VPS ("your second Metatrader in cloud" is having autotrading to be always ON irrespective of the settings of your home Metatrader).
  • (limitation) Your EA will not work on MQL5 VPS (on "your 2nd Metatrader in cloud") if EA is using dll irrespective off -  you allowed dll or not in your home Metatrader (irrespective of the settings of your home Metatrader). It is necessary to see the code or to be a coder to know: your EA is using/calling dll or not).
  • (limitation) It must be 64-bit client terminal (MT5) to use virtual hosting - means: your home Metatrader 5 should be 64-bit.
    MT4 does not have this limitation (because MT4 is always on 32-bit).
