Client position has been duplicated - page 2

The signal provider is still having 4 same positions, and the signal service is trying to understadnd about the positions of subscriber.

As the subscriber changed the percentage value (ratio) from 90% to 45% (he changed the signal subscription settings) so the signal system opens the other two positions which subscriber manually closed.

Because you/provider have 4 positions, and subscribers must have 4 positions.
Why he/subscriber closed positions manually? No idea.
But all those positions were opened for him once again (because you/provider has 4, and he must has 4).

After that the subscriber modified one position by himself, and this position was closed by stop loss for him:

order #5939218 buy 0.01 XAUUSD at 1868.59 closed due stop-loss at price 1871.70

By the way, you/provider is still having same 4 positions.

As a results, you have 4 positions, and subscriber is having 3 positions.

The signal system made a correction, because subscriber must have 4 positions too.
So, one position was opened for subscriber.

And everything is fine:
the provider is having 4 position, and the subscriber is having 4 position.


after that, the signal provider opened one additional position and close this position.
it was same for subscriber: one additional position was opened and closed for him.

that's all.

Why the subscriber manually closed the positions?
No idea.
Because if you have 4 positions so he will have 4 positions too (he can close any position but the signal system will open this position once again).


You as a signal provider are trading in a normal way, but your subscriber is closing and modifying the trades on the way he wants, and the signal system is openning those trades once again.

Because if you have 4 trades so the subscriber must have 4 trades too.
If subscriber closes one trade so he will have 3 ... but he must have 4 (because you have 4) ...and the signal system opens the trade which he (subscriber) closed.


You can ask your subscribers do not close or do not modify the trades which are copied to their Metatrader.

Thanks for the detailed analysis, now I understand the problem behind this issue.