Why would my TP not hit when the candle go through the TP line????
djack125: Why would my TP not hit when the candle go through the TP line????

Buy or Sell? If Sell, it only closes when the Ask price, not the Bid price hits the Take-Profit, and charts only show Bid prices.

However, even so, depending on volatility, sometimes a move is so quick and volatile that processing is not able to accompany it.

If the price hits the Take-Profit and reverses very quickly in a very volatile situation, due to this slippage and processing delays, the position is not closed. The same can happen with a Stop-Loss.

Only when a price stays on the other side of the stop for sufficient time for processing to catch up, does the position close.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast computers and networks , there is always latency between the broker, data feed providers and the liquidity providers, and if volatility is high there will always be delays in the processing of transactions.