free local trade copier

is anyone known free local trade copier from one account to other demo to real account of two different brokers
Check Signals.
is signal can copies pending orders,lot size increament, speed of copy order signal vs trade copier which is fast and better

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

varun89, 2014.10.16 10:18

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I'm not sure I understand how "signals" is an answer to the question.  I'm told by the service desk that signals based on a real account can't be listed for free, and signals based on a demo can't be traded on a real account.  Is this true, or is there a way around this?  Thanks.
I'm not sure I understand how "signals" is an answer to the question.  I'm told by the service desk that signals based on a real account can't be listed for free, and signals based on a demo can't be traded on a real account.  Is this true, or is there a way around this?  Thanks.
That is correct. The rule has been around for a long time but as of around December last year it is actually enforced within MQL5. There are a few old signals around that get away with it but any signal created since that cut-off time have the rule enforced.