How to Withdraw Funds For US users? & Also why you possibly can't at the moment

  • As you all know, MQL5 doesn't care to pay people their hard earned money in the US, it's a little unfortunate. Paypal was taken away with no explanation and there are so many alternatives that there is really no excuse as to why people can't get their money. 
  • A wire transfer cost $30-$40 to accomplish but yet they say you have to wait until you have $3,000 to take your money out. If that's our only option make it $500 like it used to be. Lol really? 
  • The possible real reason is that there may be financial struggles on their side and companies do have the tendency to hold other people's money as a credit and I will pay you back later type ordeal. So your earned money that they are giving you a hastle about getting may not actually be there lol, they may have to scrape to get it in order to pay you what's actually yours. I think the commissions and fees weren't enough to cover the bills but how could you tell traders that. You'd lose money. *Just Speculation*
  • But recently when I tried to do the Visa card transfer, I noticed something with the message that said "Bank Payment system has rejected transfer". I tried different cards and I after calling I realized it wasn't my bank but rather MQL5 who was blocking the payment. And lo and behold how does MQL5 know you are in the US so they can block you. Your phone Number. that you use to verify. 
  • That message is an automatic response to USA numbers, maybe others. So it actually will work, but they are blocking you out from actually using it. Could you imagine the finances that would shake up at MQL5 if they had $1,000s of dollars coming out of their bank account everyday. Although it's not their money. It's best not to stick your hands in the cookie jar with other people's stuff. Greed and unethical practices is the fall of most companies. 
  • To confirm this, I asked them to switch my telegram option back on as a point of verification, since it is purposely greyed out, and I always used it. They refused to do it, no matter how many times I asked. Which means those payments would have went through had their been a different form of verification. 

So a couple things will happen moving forward: 

  1.  I have a social following of around 50,000 traders, and my most viewed video on my channel has roughly 200,000 views, with several highly viewed content on my youtube channel and I know a ton of traders in this world. 
  2.  If people aren't treated fairly and given their earned money or atleast a real transparent reason as to why they can't I will make a youtube video and series of facebook post in all my social communities exposing this message and also how traders haven't been able to rightfully get there money from this platform. I will also monetize those videos until they get into the couple million views. and expose potential fraud. 
  3.  This message will be screenshotted, so if it is deleted then I will know that it is real and will speedily move forward with my operation. 
  4.  I also am considering submitting this information the CFTC and the SEC regulative authorities to look into the ability of mistreatment of traders and their earned capital. 
  5. This does not break any forum rules but rather is shedding light on an possible issue where people can't get their earned money and is given no explanation for it. 
  6. This is answer to possible questions about this and also a question of my own below. 
  7. If there is any action taken against me on this platform, I would prefer to may have a conversation first before doing so. I Love Mql5 and have been using it for years. I don't want anything to go wrong with the platform or the people using it, but I also realize that unfair treatment can't happen to us innocent traders and no one does anything about it. So an honest and thorough conversation is all I desire. 
  8. I plan to make this message public if I don't get a response within a week or if it is deleted, I will have it on record in picture form. The publicizing is not to defame but rather build traction so that someone who is in a position of power could appeal to this issue and shed more light on it. 
  9. Disclaimer: I have no issue with MQL5 or the platform, customer service and community. I think the ball is being dropped in this vital area and that nothing has been truly done about it yet. So transparent and thorough answers is all I'm seeking, and I think we deserve it since it is our earned money that is being withheld. So I hope all this goes smoothly. 

* So to be inline with the forum here is my main question. Why is it that traders or USA traders can't easily and readily get their funds like they used to before? Need help, hope someone answers this for me thanks. 


Not only the US, if you check other threads you'll see people from Europe, Asia, Latin America having the same issue. It is an unfortunate situation that only discourages further development from developers. I can't envision building a business with a platform having this kind of problems. Business-wise I think its unforgivable. 

I sure hope your post is not taken down and no reprisals taken on you. 


i Have the same problem to withdraw money, they should activate paypal again as a withdraw option. They will gonna lose a lot of users/sellers otherwise.
Paypal Withdrawal not Available
Paypal Withdrawal not Available
  • 2021.04.03
I can't withdraw money to paypal. Is this temporary...