Even More Notifications from MQL5.community!


Even More Notifications from MQL5.community!

Following the development of MQL5.community, we have added new types of push notifications that come to your smartphone to inform you of important messages and events. A growing number of services entails the growth of the news flow and the amount of new products. The new notifications will help you keep track of all updates.

Depending on your preferences, use the subscription recommendations we have prepared for you.

Sellers can now track the status of their Product in the Market quicker and respond to the feedback on their Signals straight away. Read and reply to comments promptly by enabling notifications of comments to your signals and products. Remember that communicating with your customers is very important. Here are the recommended settings for notifications:

Push notifications of the following updates:
  • private messages
  • moderator and system comments
  • comments and reviews to my Market products
  • reviews to my Signals
  • Service Desk comments
E-mail notifications of new:
  • Articles
  • Forum topics
  • Service Desk comments
  • updates in my Favorites

The notifications can inform Freelancers of new jobs, even when not logged in on the website. Subscribe to receive notifications of private messages from the community users and new orders in Freelance to be the first one to apply for the job.

Writers and communication fans can now actively support the conversation on their posts and topics by enabling notifications of new comments to their Blog posts and Forum topics. Answer questions promptly to keep a conversation interesting. Masters of the word, use the following notification settings:

Push notifications of the following updates:
  • private messages
  • comments to my Blog posts
  • comments to my Forum topics
  • Service Desk comments
E-mail notifications of new:
  • Articles
  • Forum topics
  • Service Desk comments
  • updates in my Favorites

Readers and explorers of interesting novelties will appreciate notifications of new publications in Articles and Code Base. Enable notifications and learn about updates instantly to test and choose the best of them! The following set is for you:

Push notifications of the following updates:
  • private messages
  • Articles
  • Code Base publications
  • comments to my Forum topics
  • Service Desk comments
E-mail notifications of new:
  • Articles
  • Forum topics
  • Code Base publications
  • updates in my Favorites

Buyers in the Market can receive notifications of new products directly on their mobile phones. Enable notifications of new products in the Market and keep track of all new applications to choose the best of them! Following updates in the Market is now as easy as never before.

Set up notifications in your Profile right now!