I can't download EA to the MT5 platform - please help. - page 2

I know this. The same message shows up when I want to install other EA.
Now I can't even show the error in MT5. If I want to download an EA from MQL5, it no longer shows an error and does not save.
I know this. The same message shows up when I want to install other EA.

We do not any any other message
And it is the technical forum, and no one trust anyone and no one believe in anything).
We see the message which you posted by your screenshot, and we did not any any other messages.


All the technical discussion is started with the following (your Windows version, your Internet Explorer version and your MT5 build).
Please repeat the following with your Metatrader:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Very Glitchy MetaTrader

Vladimir Karputov, 2021.03.16 04:20

If you have a question, first of all you should show the first three lines from the 'Journal' tab

(select these lines, copy to the clipboard and paste into the message using the button Code). It should look like this:

2021.03.16 05:13:07.133 Terminal        MetaTrader 5 x64 build 2832 started for MetaQuotes Software Corp.
2021.03.16 05:13:07.134 Terminal        Windows 10 build 19042, Intel Core i7-9750H  @ 2.60GHz, 26 / 31 Gb memory, 842 / 947 Gb disk, IE 11, UAC, GMT+2
2021.03.16 05:13:07.134 Terminal        C:\Users\barab\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075

This is my Metatrader (yes, I repeated everything from the message above):

2021.04.25 16:42:48.931 Terminal        MetaTrader 5 x64 build 2885 started for MetaQuotes Software Corp.
2021.04.25 16:42:48.934 Terminal        Windows 10 build 19041, Intel Celeron N4020  @ 1.10GHz, 0 / 3 Gb memory, 67 / 118 Gb disk, IE 11, UAC, GMT+1
2021.04.25 16:42:48.934 Terminal        C:\Users\sgolo\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075
2021.04.25 16:42:50.881 LiveUpdate      new version build 2895 (IDE: 2895, Tester: 2895) is available

You can do same.
Sergey Golubev:

We do not any any other message
And it is the technical forum, and no one trust anyone and no one believe in anything).
We see the message which you posted by your screenshot, and we did not any any other messages.



About proofs (the forum and the service desk are working with the proofs; the proofs are required to reproduce the bug for possible fixing).

This is my proofs that I login in Community tab, that I have Internet Explorer 11 version with correct settings, and more:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Error downloading market indicator demo (Error 403

Sergey Golubev, 2021.01.04 16:50

I am trying my MT4 (build1320).

1. I made Community login:

2. and checked in Metatrader journal:

3. I checked Internet Explorer installed on computer:

4. I checked the settings of Internet Explorer: yes, I can use the chat with not a problem by sending/receiving the messages:

5. Signal tab works:

6. Market tab works:


Now I can't even show the error in MT5. If I want to download an EA from MQL5, it no longer shows an error and does not save.

Look at my posts above.


or wait for Monday (if it is website maintemance so everything should work on Monday),
or not so - start with something which I already posted above (screenshots, logs, and more).

Sergey Golubev:

‎Spójrz na moje posty powyżej.‎


or wait for Monday (if it is website maintemance so everything should work on Monday),
or not so - start with something which I already posted above (screenshots, logs, and more).

I saw. Everything is like that on my hardware.
I saw. Everything is like that on my hardware.

I do not see your hardware (and I do not trust anyone).
Because many users told that everything is fine but when I asked to post Metatrader journal so I saw that they used their email instead of forum login for Community tab.


Try to repeat everything according to my posts above (and upload everything here on the thread).
Because no any discussion (and no any assistance) will be provided without technical details/proofs.


And please note: if your Windows 10 was updated so your purchased/downloaded Market tools may stop working.
So, you will need to delete them from your Metatrader, and install them once again from same Metatrader.


I updated Metatrader 5 to 2895 build now and downloaded/installed somefree indicator from the Market.
And it works with no problem at all.

So, everything with the Market works with 2895 build.

Sergey Golubev:



Try to repeat everything according to my posts above (and upload everything here on the thread).
Because no any discussion (and no any assistance) will be provided without technical details/proofs.


read post #43 (no technical details/proofs - no help).

General rules and best pratices of the Forum.
General rules and best pratices of the Forum.
  • 2021.03.24
  • www.mql5.com
General rules, enforced by moderators : ‌...
Sergey Golubev:

‎Nie widzę twojego sprzętu (i nikomu nie ufam). ‎
‎Ponieważ wielu użytkowników powiedziało, że wszystko jest w porządku, ale kiedy poprosiłem o wpisywać dziennik Metatrader, więc zobaczyłem, że używali poczty e-mail zamiast logowania do forum dla karty Społeczność.‎


‎Spróbuj powtórzyć wszystko zgodnie z moimi postami powyżej (i wgraj wszystko tutaj na wątku). ‎
‎Ponieważ żadna dyskusja (i żadna pomoc) nie zostanie udzielona bez szczegółów technicznych / dowodów.‎


‎I uwaga: jeśli system Windows 10 został zaktualizowany, więc zakupione / pobrane narzędzia rynkowe mogą przestać działać. ‎
‎Tak, trzeba będzie usunąć je z Metatrader, i zainstalować je ponownie z tego samego Metatrader.‎


‎I aktualizacja Metatrader 5 do 2895 budować teraz i pobrać / zainstalowany somefree wskaźnik z rynku. ‎
‎I to działa bez problemu w ogóle.‎

‎Tak więc, wszystko z rynku działa z 2895 budować.‎

I have withdrawn the last update. These EAs that I had saved on MT5 work, but I can't download others.
I have withdrawn the last update. These EAs that I had saved on MT5 work, but I can't download others.

Yes, I found the reason.

Look at my Windows and my Metatrader build:

2021.04.25 16:42:48.931 Terminal        MetaTrader 5 x64 build 2885 started for MetaQuotes Software Corp.
2021.04.25 16:42:48.934 Terminal        Windows 10 build 19041, Intel Celeron N4020  @ 1.10GHz, 0 / 3 Gb memory, 67 / 118 Gb disk, IE 11, UAC, GMT+1
2021.04.25 16:42:48.934 Terminal        C:\Users\sgolo\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D0E8209F77C8CF37AD8BF550E51FF075
2021.04.25 16:42:50.881 LiveUpdate      new version build 2895 (IDE: 2895, Tester: 2895) is available

So, I have Windows 10 with 64 bit, and my Metatrader 5 is on 2885 build.


And your Windows is on 32 bit (not 64 bit), and your Metatrader 5 is very old: build 2361:


Support for Windows 32 bit with Metatrader 5 was stopped long time ago.
Thus, you need to use the other Windows (or the other computer) to update your MT5 from 2361 to the 2885.

You can not use the Market because you use Windows which is not supported by MT5 anymore.

Sergey Golubev:

‎Tak, znalazłem powód.‎

‎Spójrz na mój Windows i mój Metatrader budować:‎

‎Tak, mam Windows 10 z 64 bit, a mój Metatrader 5 jest na 2885 budować.‎


‎A twój Windows jest na 32 bit (nie 64 bit), a Metatrader 5 jest bardzo stary: budować 2361:‎


‎Obsługa windows 32 bit z Metatrader 5 został zatrzymany dawno temu. ‎
‎W związku z tym należy użyć innego systemu Windows (lub innego komputera), aby zaktualizować MT5 z 2361 do 2885.‎

‎Nie można korzystać z rynku, ponieważ używasz systemu Windows, który nie jest już obsługiwany przez MT5.‎

Before the last update of Win 10, everything was working. After the last update, everything fell - new wines 10