You cannot withdraw Metaquotes funds in US or Australia - page 2

Scott Marshall:

It's demonstrably false, Keith. It does not help. Taking a post from a random person in Indonesia with no banking experience in Australia, with "information" contrary to the advice of the actual bank and those with direct experience with the vendor does not "help people" and you should personally take action, not welcome it. 

This is a serious problem. Many of us have *our* money in a Metaquotes bank account and Metaquotes will not allow us to withdraw *our* money. 

Please don't let Metaquotes staff read these kind of false posts and assume there is not actually a problem. 

So it is demonstrably false just because you say so!

Yohani is a respected member of this forum and at least has made some effort to find a possible solution. Whether it may be a solution for everyone - I don't know.

Yohani is trying to help others. You just whine whine whine.

Unless Metaquotes staff are deaf blind or stupid, they must be aware that there is a problem. Yohani's post won't affect that.

Unfortunately Metaquotes seem to have no inclination to solve these problems with withdrawals once and for all. Very strange way to run a business.

Keith Watford:

So it is demonstrably false just because you say so!

Yohani is a respected member of this forum and at least has made some effort to find a possible solution. Whether it may be a solution for everyone - I don't know.

Yohani is trying to help others. You just whine whine whine.

Unless Metaquotes staff are deaf blind or stupid, they must be aware that there is a problem. Yohani's post won't affect that.

Unfortunately Metaquotes seem to have no inclination to solve these problems with withdrawals once and for all. Very strange way to run a business.


It's demonstrably false, not because I said so, but because the bank she cites says so. A bank I've been with for 10 years. A bank I spent 2 hours on the phone with trying to resolve this.

Telling people false information that you randomly found by google, on the entire basis that Westpac used the term "digital" helps no-one. 

Yohani's post does have the ability to effect whether Metaquotes try to resolve a problem. They read her, then you post and perceive "Oh, it's just people who "whine whine whine" (your words)"

I'd have no need to "whine" had she not posted false information, which you decided to applaud as if correct, right? 

Scott Marshall:


It's demonstrably false, not because I said so, but because the bank she cites says so.

The point is not that the bank she cites says so. I don't know whether the bank said that or not. I only know that you state that the bank said it.

I am not going to waste anymore of my time replying to you.

Keith Watford:

The point is not that the bank she cites says so. I don't know whether the bank said that or not. I only know that you state that the bank said it.

I am not going to waste anymore of my time replying to you.


To clarify for anyone reading, Westpac Bank said that the payment gateway used by Metaquotes had no sign of successfully connecting. At all.

Have a great week, Keith. Just for you, take a wild stab in the dark what the big W on this card stands for. You reckon it might be Westpac?

Westpac Credit Card

Scott Marshall:

Yohana, I bank with Westpac and have for over a decade. I spoke with them about this matter. They did not recommend the solution you cite. In fact, they said that their is no record of the payment provider used by Metaquotes (or any in fact) making a deposit attemp. They stated they don't believe it is supported in Australia.
With respect to your post relating to a "Digital Credit Card " you are demonstrably incorrect. The name "Digital Credit Card" is used by WestPac because you don't need the *physical card* to start using it *LIKE A TRADITIONAL CREDIT CARD*. It *DOES NOT* support deposit from Metaquotes or any other provider. It is *NO DIFFERENT* to the cards that do not work. You're spreading fake information and your post should be removed. This information I'm providing is *FROM THE ACTUAL BANK*. Let me repeat that, It *DOES NOT* support deposits from Metaquotes. You should restrict your advice to Indonesian banking as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about with relation to the Australian banking system.  

Moderator, you should delete her false post

Further, I'm not going to damage my credit score by applying for more credit simply to trouble shoot for Metaquotes or you.
If you're sure it works, you apply for it, damage your credit score and show us it [doesn't] work. Please understand it is incredibly frustrating when you reduce clear issues with the payment system provided by Metaquotes when you provide demonstrably false information.  All the best, Scott

Hello Scott,

I mentioned : Digital Debit Card.
not a digital credit card.

Yohana Parmi:


  • I have a solution for you, and it's best to try:

  1. You need a Digital Debit Card (Visa/Mastercard).

Surely that I just want to help you based on my experience.
-- because I use a Digital Debit Card, it works !

To be sure MQL5 has provided an excellent withdrawal service via digital debit card.
-- In fact, it only takes 1 second :)

I only use googling when looking for a bank in Australia that provides a Digital Debit Card for you.

Once you have it, you activated it, - you can try it.
You don't have to ask the bank about withdrawals from MQL5.

Just use your Digital Debit Card not a credit card )
-- for make withdrawal without asking the bank.

Btw, this is just a suggestion from my experience with digital debit cards.
- but .. if don't believe that, - you can ignore it :)

Who knows your bank does not provide services like I meant.

Kind regards,

Keith Watford:

Dear Keith,

I am confused, should I delete my reply?

Thank you,
have a nice weekend.

Yohana Parmi:

Dear Keith,

I am confused, should I delete my reply?

Thank you,
have a nice weekend.

No reason to.

Scott Marshall:


Moderator, you should delete her false post. 


Maybe you are not aware that you are insulting someone.

Sorry, just a joke


Yohana Parmi:

Maybe you are not aware that you are insulting someone.

Sorry, just a joke


I have a Westpac Debit Card as well. I have tried four cards, both credit and debit.  Westpac *did not say* that what you suggest is true. This is not me saying this, this is the bank saying that. 

You did not read what I wrote about my conversation with the bank. The payment gateway does not even connect to Westpac. They examined that. Getting another "card" isn't the solution. 

You do not have experience banking in Australia. Stop spreading this stuff. 

I'm not trying to offend you, I just have a low tolerance for what is most likely false information being posted to forums. Hey, there is a possibility the bank was wrong and you were right, and if that turns out to be the case, then apologies, but I don't think that's likely.

For anyone in Australia, ignore Yohana. 

Scott Marshall:

I have a Westpac Debit Card as well. I have tried four cards, both credit and debit.  Westpac *did not say* that what you suggest is true. This is not me saying this, this is the bank saying that.
.. what is most likely false information being posted to forums. Hey, there is a possibility the bank was wrong and you were right, and if that turns out to be the case, then apologies, but I don't think that's likely.
For anyone in Australia, ignore Yohana. 

Hello Scott,

I will try to stay positive thinking for all your words,
- who knows you have a high rank in the military.

My father sometimes behaved like you when he was with his army in the brigade.
- I thought, from your words - perhaps you are a commander in the military.


In my first reply, that is all about sharing experience here at MQL5.
So I mean, it's not about who's wrong or who's right.

I repeat, - It is about sharing experience - even I prove that.
I only intend to help you by sharing experiences with using digital debit cards,
which I have successfully used here.

I didn't say:

I was right, or the bank was wrong, or you have to use my way.

- No, for sure I don't mean like that.

I mean, I want to share my experience, who knows your bank in Australia also provides a debit card with a digital type
that can be used here, as I prove it here, it's works.

So, based on my explanations above,
but - if you still mention that I gave "false information", that means :
- surely you are very smart people and have extraordinary intelligence.


How to make sure your debit card is a digital debit card?
One of them is as follows :
(You don't need bank assistance to do this)

  1. In the official application (apps on iOs/Android) from the bank,
    you can create a new virtual card just in seconds, and top-up new balance on it from physical digital debit card.
    And then you can use your new virtual card for shopping or receive payment from International payment gateway.
    - If your virtual debit card application can't do that, your debit card is not a digital type that I meant.

  2. Use your debit card and/or new virtual card to shop on Microsoft Store.
    Use your debit card directly for shopping there.
    If your debit card can do that, then your debit card is a digital type,
    - which is a debit card that has capabilities and features such as a credit card.

    Digital Debit Card by Visa/Mastercard is like a credit card,
    - but we must have a balance first (top-up a balance from main card).

    However, if your debit card cannot be used shopping on Microsoft Store,
    then your debit card is not a digital type.

    So, when you want to shop on MS Store then you must use your conventional credit card as usual.

Yes, sure. You're right,
I have no banking experience in Australia.

Is that mean "false information being posted to forums" from me? - of course not, because:

  1. I just want to share a good experience here (it works on me, I prove that).
  2. I thought that banking in Australia is better,
    - more advanced in features, or more flexible than in Indonesia.
    However, from you .. just now I finally know that I was wrong.

Kind regards,
Hopefully you and
your family stay healthy.

Yohana Parmi:

Hello Scott,

I will try to stay positive thinking for all your words,
- who knows you have a high rank in the military.

My father sometimes behaved like you when he was with his army in the brigade.
- I thought, from your words - perhaps you are a commander in the military.


In my first reply, that is all about sharing experience here at MQL5.
So I mean, it's not about who's wrong or who's right.

I repeat, - It is about sharing experience - even I prove that.
I only intend to help you by sharing experiences with using digital debit cards,
which I have successfully used here.

I didn't say:

I was right, or the bank was wrong, or you have to use my way.

- No, for sure I don't mean like that.

I mean, I want to share my experience, who knows your bank in Australia also provides a debit card with a digital type
that can be used here, as I prove it here, it's works.

So, based on my explanations above,
but - if you still mention that I gave "false information", that means :
- surely you are very smart people and have extraordinary intelligence.


How to make sure your debit card is a digital debit card?
One of them is as follows :
(You don't need bank assistance to do this)

  1. In the official application (apps on iOs/Android) from the bank,
    you can create a new virtual card just in seconds, and top-up new balance on it from physical digital debit card.
    And then you can use your new virtual card for shopping or receive payment from International payment gateway.
    - If your virtual debit card application can't do that, your debit card is not a digital type that I meant.

  2. Use your debit card and/or new virtual card to shop on Microsoft Store.
    Use your debit card directly for shopping there.
    If your debit card can do that, then your debit card is a digital type,
    - which is a debit card that has capabilities and features such as a credit card.

    Digital Debit Card by Visa/Mastercard is like a credit card,
    - but we must have a balance first (top-up a balance from main card).

    However, if your debit card cannot be used shopping on Microsoft Store,
    then your debit card is not a digital type.

    So, when you want to shop on MS Store then you must use your conventional credit card as usual.

Yes, sure. You're right,
I have no banking experience in Australia.

Is that mean "false information being posted to forums" from me? - of course not, because:

  1. I just want to share a good experience here (it works on me, I prove that).
  2. I thought that banking in Australia is better,
    - more advanced in features, or more flexible than in Indonesia.
    However, from you .. just now I finally know that I was wrong.

Kind regards,
Hopefully you and
your family stay healthy.


Your posts are very verbose, particularly noting that they are largely not germane. Spending 20 minutes talking about what has worked in another country is about as relevant as the post in another thread about how they had no problem transferring to a card in Germany, when someone was talking about the US.