You cannot withdraw Metaquotes funds in US or Australia


Hi all,

Just letting you know you cannot withdraw funds from MQL in the US or Australia.

I confirmed with Westpac (bank worth $71 Billion) that they have no record of attempts to deposit funds onto a credit card (they didn't even have a record of Metaquotes payment provider attempting to make a deposit). There are no payment methods available for US / Australian users.

Only put money into a Metaquotes account if you are happy you cannot withdraw it. If you deposit funds, or offer your CPU Agent time, you cannot ever get your money back.

Let me ask you a question, Keith (Moderator?), if the answer to 3 different posts is the same, will you only reply to one, or will you delete the other two? You're in Thailand, right Keith? 



Scott Marshall:

Do not flood the forum with your off-topic and repetitive posts.

You have started a topic here, no need to post in multiple topics about your complaints.

I have deleted some of your posts.

Keith Watford:

Do not flood the forum with your off-topic and repetitive posts.

You have started a topic here, no need to post in multiple topics about your complaints.

I have deleted some of your posts.

You shouldn't do that. Not a single post of mine was off-topic and was not repetitive in that it was in direct response to another users posts. Simply because the end result (no availability of withdraw) is a common problem, does not mean that it does not relate to several problems, does it, Keith? 

Let me give you an example, MQL doesn't allow you to withdraw money because you're in Australia. Someone then posts about not being able to withdraw money onto a credit card, for a similar reason. Why would you delete my reply on that post, other than you think it looks bad?

You shouldn't delete posts because of that. You and I know why you deleted posts, right?

Are any of my posts incorrect? No.

All of the posts were relevant to the topic at hand, Keith.  You're stopping people understanding how Metaquotes works by deleting those posts.

Shame on you, Keith. Have you no shame? ( I guess not, noting you're running "Moderator" for a company that randomly, without notice, ensured I couldn't be paid for services I already provided)

You have no business being a "Moderator" when you hide the fact Metaquotes provides no means to provide payment to certain people. All of the topics I posted on related to that. You know that. I know that. Everyone who has read this knows that. 

You have no business being a "Moderator". 


Scott Marshall:

 You and I know why you deleted posts, right?

You may think that you know, but you don't.

Flooding is against forum rules and that is what you have been doing.

Scott Marshall:

Shame on you, Keith. Have you no shame? ( I guess not, noting you're running "Moderator" for a company that randomly, without notice, ensured I couldn't be paid for services I already provided)

You have no business being a "Moderator" when you hide the fact Metaquotes provides no means to provide payment to certain people. All of the topics I posted on related to that. You know that. I know that. Everyone who has read this knows that. 

I am not a moderator for Metaquotes, I am a forum moderator, that is all.

I have no other connection to Metaquotes, I am not employed by them and I receive no payment for moderating the forum.

My only interest is in keeping some sort of order in the forum.

FYI, in my opinion, the payments and withdrawal structure in MQL5 is a complete shambles and has been for a long time. I find it unbelievable that a company can treat their customers with such contempt. 

I don''t "hide" anything. I have not deleted this topic have I?

You have posted about withdrawals in topics about payments so not related at all.

Scott Marshall:

Let me ask you a question, Keith (Moderator?), if the answer to 3 different posts is the same, will you only reply to one, or will you delete the other two? You're in Thailand, right Keith? 

In such a situation, I would reply to one and provide a link to that answer in the other 2. That is not relevant here because you are not replying to posts, you are airing your issues whether they apply to the topic or not.

I live in Thailand, what does that have to do with anything?


I have deleted 2 posts.

I am not prepared to discuss or defend my role as a moderator.

I find such discussions pointless and a waste of my time.


Unfortunately, as Scott has continued to flood the forum, I have banned him for 1 day.

I don't like to do this but I need a rest from deleting his multiple posts.

If he continues his attack once the ban ends, then he will be banned for a longer length of time.

Scott Marshall:


Hello Scott,

I am sorry about your situation,
and there are many other people who are experiencing this challenge.

Fyi, for this situation, Keith has no mistake because he is the moderator of the forum, to moderate this forum,
-- not to moderate MetaQuotes.
So please don't upset :)

  • I have a solution for you, and it's best to try:

  1. You need a Digital Debit Card (Visa/Mastercard).

  2. You mentioned Westpac bank, so I found this service in Australia, you should try it:

Keith Watford:

Dear Keith,
at the URL link above - I don't mean for any promotions.

I just want to help people who are having a hard time.
-- but if this is still considered a promotion, please delete it :)

Kind regards,

Yohana Parmi:

Dear Keith,
at the URL link above - I don't mean for any promotions.

I just want to help people who are having a hard time.
-- but if this is still considered a promotion, please delete it :)

Hi Yohana,

I don't consider it any sort of promotion. In fact, if it helps people that are currently unable to withdraw due to this mess that Metaquotes has created, I, personally, welcome it.

Yohana Parmi:

Hello Scott,

I am sorry about your situation,
and there are many other people who are experiencing this challenge.

Fyi, for this situation, Keith has no mistake because he is the moderator of the forum, to moderate this forum,
-- not to moderate MetaQuotes.
So please don't upset :)

  • I have a solution for you, and it's best to try:

  1. You need a Digital Debit Card (Visa/Mastercard).

  2. You mentioned Westpac bank, so I found this service in Australia, you should try it:

Dear Keith,
at the URL link above - I don't mean for any promotions.

I just want to help people who are having a hard time.
-- but if this is still considered a promotion, please delete it :)

Kind regards,


I bank with Westpac and have for over a decade. I spoke with them about this matter. They did not recommend the solution you cite. In fact, they said that their is no record of the payment provider used by Metaquotes (or any in fact) making a deposit attemp. They stated they don't believe it is supported in Australia. 

With respect to your post relating to a "Digital Credit Card" you are demonstrably incorrect. The name "Digital Credit Card" is used by WestPac because you don't need the *physical card* to start using it *LIKE A TRADITIONAL CREDIT CARD*. It *DOES NOT* support deposit from Metaquotes or any other provider. It is *NO DIFFERENT* to the cards that do not work. You're spreading fake information and your post should be removed. This information I'm providing is *FROM THE ACTUAL BANK*.

Let me repeat that, It *DOES NOT* support deposits from Metaquotes. You should restrict your advice to Indonesian banking as you clearly have no idea what you are talking about with relation to the Australian banking system. 

Moderator, you should delete her false post. 

Further, I'm not going to damage my credit score by applying for more credit simply to trouble shoot for Metaquotes or you.

If you're sure it works, you apply for it, damage your credit score and show us it [doesn't] work. Please understand it is incredibly frustrating when you reduce clear issues with the payment system provided by Metaquotes when you provide demonstrably false information. 

All the best,


Keith Watford:

Hi Yohana,

I don't consider it any sort of promotion. In fact, if it helps people that are currently unable to withdraw due to this mess that Metaquotes has created, I, personally, welcome it.

It's demonstrably false, Keith. It does not help. Taking a post from a random person in Indonesia with no banking experience in Australia, with "information" contrary to the advice of the actual bank and those with direct experience with the vendor does not "help people" and you should personally take action, not welcome it. 

This is a serious problem. Many of us have *our* money in a Metaquotes bank account and Metaquotes will not allow us to withdraw *our* money. 

Please don't let Metaquotes staff read these kind of false posts and assume there is not actually a problem.