-> eurusd copytrade ?



Is it possible to copy a signal that trades .pro suffix pairs, "converting" it to a normal pairs ?

i.e. > EURUSD

In my understanding, the .pro suffix just means the trader uses a pro account on its broker, but the instrument (i.e. EURUSD) is the same. When trying to copy it I get a "do not find symbol" error.

Is there a way to add a script when receiving a subscribed signal ?

Thanks a lot

read the following short thread: Copy signal with different symbol name
Copy signal with different symbol name
Copy signal with different symbol name
  • 2020.07.14
Dear community, i wish to subscribe to a signal wich trade on symbols GOLD and Crude; in whatchlist on mt4 of my broker i don't see theese symbols...

Hello sergey,

Thanks for your answer and those links / FAQ article. I still have a little issue.

The Subscriber has a "" instrument. My broker has "GOLD".

Of course I was happy to see that there are two exceptions in the mapping routine : GOLD and SILVER.

The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:


In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.

Would it be possible to also have this beeing mapped? == GOLD == SILVER

I double checked the permissions. My GOLD instrument has a "Full access" under its specifications.Or maybe I'm missing something.

I hope we can fix this.

Thanks a lot for your time

It is in fully automated way (I mean - mapping).
Yes, you can check the specification of those symbols in Metatrader (but it is automatic mapping anyway sorry).

So, what does it mean?

It won't work??

It is not possible to copy from => to => GOLD ??


So, what does it mean?

It won't work??

It is not possible to copy from => to => GOLD ??

It is possible in some case, and in some cases - not.
Read this part of FAQ:

  1. On the Subscriber's account, the system searches for all symbols with the names coinciding with the Provider's symbol by the first 6 characters. For example, EURUSD == EURUSDxxx == EURUSDyyy.
  2. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol. If trading is allowed partially or completely forbidden, such a symbol is discarded.
  3. Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.
  4. If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.
  5. If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

So, it is recommendedto be on the same broker and account type with the signal provider.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
  • 2013.02.20
Discover in 15 Minutes: Watch the Video about Trading Signals in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 The most frequently asked questions related to the S...

So, this part does not apply because it cannot find "XAUUSD" in the provider signal (it only find

The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:


In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.

And the other part (the one you mentioned) does not apply because it only finds GOLD in my side (subscriber).

So either way, it wont work.

Sorry but using the same broker is definitely a no go :(

sxrd4k #:

So, this part does not apply because it cannot find "XAUUSD" in the provider signal (it only find

And the other part (the one you mentioned) does not apply because it only finds GOLD in my side (subscriber).

So either way, it wont work.

Sorry but using the same broker is definitely a no go :(

Hi @sxrd4k,

Just checking if you ended up subscribing to the signal using and if that worked. I'm facing the same issue, though on my side I have XAUUSD instead of GOLD. 

I have confirmed with support that XAUUSD --> should work, but I get no reply when I ask about mapping from to XAUUSD. 

I have not subscribed to the corresponding signal until I can confirm that the mapping works. Thus, any hints will be appreciated.
